Episode 6: Happy Together

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After making the announcement that he intends to stay at Min-hyuk Mansion, Gook-doo and Min-hyuk have a mini standoff. As the two posture at each other, Bong-soon gazes dreamily at Gook-doo for coming to her “rescue.” Heh, Min-hyuk waves a hand in front of her face, but she doesn’t even notice.

Kyung-shim recuperates in the hospital with Bong-soon’s mom at her side. Two policemen from Gook-doo’s team visit with an assortment of masks, but none come close to Masked Man’s head covering.

Back to the standoff, Gook-doo asks Min-hyuk to let him stay, offering to sleep on the sofa. Bong-soon doesn’t want her crush sleeping on the hard sofa, but Min-hyuk coyly says that he and Gook-doo can just share a bed then. Bong-soon lunges to push her boss away from her crush, grabbing Min-hyuk so hard that he yelps in pain. Panicked, she blurts out, “He’s gay!”

Both boys stare at her (Min-hyuk especially) and she whisper-yells at Min-hyuk that everyone knows already so he might as well say the truth to avoid misunderstandings. Glaring, Min-hyuk agrees: They should tell the truth. Then he announces, “She’s my bodyguard!” Heh, one “outing” deserves another?

Bong-soon and Min-hyuk have a silent glare battle while a completely confused Gook-doo yells that it makes no sense for a weak girl like Bong-soon to be his bodyguard.

Min-hyuk has had just about enough and sputters out, “Weak?! She… she—” Bong-soon pushes him away and instead spins the story to sound like Min-hyuk hired a female bodyguard to avoid scandals with attractive male bodyguards. Min-hyuk stares at her the whole time, at first in shock at her brazenness, then he starts to slowly nod as well.

Gook-doo sort of accepts Bong-soon’s cover story, but still insists on staying the night, suggesting they all sleep in separate rooms. This, however, leads the three to each imagine different scenarios of the other two sneaking off together: Min-hyuk imagines Bong-soon sneaking in to see Gook-doo, Gook-doo pictures Min-hyuk with Bong-soon, and Bong-soon, of course, envisions Min-hyuk putting the moves on Gook-doo. Wow, everyone is so pretty that I’m really okay with any of those scenarios coming true.

Gook-doo jumps up to say that the three of them shouldn’t split up, and the other two are quick to agree. Min-hyuk decides that since they’ll all be staying together, then how about they pull an all-nighter?

Cut to the three of them at a bar. Min-hyuk and Gook-do engage in a round of pool while Bong-soon watches, thoroughly unimpressed with both of them. As the boys play, there are gaming sound effects playing whenever they make a shot, making the pool hall feel like an old school video arcade.

Min-hyuk soundly whips Gook-doo’s butt at pool, making cheeky comments as he cleans the table. However, Gook-do gets his revenge when the boys progress to darts. Min-hyuk is laughably bad while Gook-doo hits the center every time.

The boys move on to their final battle: alcohol. Min-hyuk lines up the beer bombs while Bong-soon futilely tries to get them to stop their pissing contest. They chug glass after glass, glaring at one another as they get increasingly sloshed. The whole time, Bong-soon sits between them, sipping her drink through a straw and looking at the boys like the dummies they are.

At the hospital, Mom and Dad both sit with Kyung-shim. Dad feels that Mom went too far this time in pushing their daughter at her boss when she could have just gone and stayed with her grandmother if she was in danger. Kyung-shim chimes in that she doesn’t think that Min-hyuk is gay after watching him at the club. Dad starts to freak out that Bong-soon might be sleeping alone at a straight man’s house, but Mom yells that this is for the best and adds that she hopes her daughter and future son-in-law had a good first night together. Dad chokes, “Son-in-law!?!”

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