Episode 14: Prelude To The Battle

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We return to the chaos where the previous episode left off: Min-hyuk holds a fading Bong-soon and embraces her tightly, as she goes limp in his arms. Meanwhile, Gook-doo faces off with Jang-hyun, gun in hand. He fires a bullet that pierces through the glass and hits the kidnapper’s arm. Jang-hyun yelps in pain then steps on the gas and zooms out of the lot, but not before Gook-doo rolls out of harm’s way.

Gook-doo trails Jang-hyun closely by car as they race through the numerous winding roads. In a panic, Jang-hyun accidentally turns into the path of an oncoming car. He swerves right and flies off the side of the road, sliding downhill and flipping over into a small lake, as Gook-doo watches in helpless horror.

Sometime later, backup arrives to fish the car out of the water, but the crew still can’t find Jang-hyun’s body. Gook-doo stares thoughtfully at the water, and his team leader tells him to wipe that look off his face since the case is now finally closed.

Gook-doo gets a text from Min-hyuk, informing him that he is taking Bong-soon. He’s polite but somber in the voiceover of his message, and Gook-doo sighs.

Instead of bringing Bong-soon home, they relocate to Min-hyuk’s secret room. He watches over her as she sleeps with a worried expression in his eyes. Eventually he remembers to call Dad (who anxiously waits for his daughter to return) and notifies him that Bong-soon is with him and fast asleep. Dad picks up from the tone of Min-hyuk’s voice that something has happened.

Min-hyuk doesn’t deny it when asked, but promises that everything is fine now and offers to wake Bong-soon up so Dad can talk to her himself. Dad refuses then adds meaningfully that he trusts Min-hyuk.

Bong-ki joins Dad on the couch with a beer after the call, having overhead everything. He wonders aloud if Min-hyuk and Bong-soon are in a serious relationship, and Dad says that Min-hyuk seems like a good person. Bong-ki goes a step further and says that Min-hyuk is like a savior to their family.

Dad becomes pensive as he tells Bong-ki that since Bong-soon was young she always had to be vigilant about controlling her strength and he worries when Bong-soon isn’t home, since he’s afraid that she might attract trouble because of her strength. He’s constantly afraid that she’ll get hurt, and if not for Min-hyuk being with her today…the idea terrifies him, and he can’t complete the thought.

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