Episode 12: Help Me

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Backtracking a bit, we pick up earlier that night when Bong-soon and Min-hyuk are having dinner together. Min-hyuk adorably switches noodle bowls with Bong-soon, giving her his untouched food and taking her nearly empty bowl. Bong-soon immediately switches it back though, wondering just how many women he’s switched bowls with before. This of course leads to bickering over the existence of any previous girlfriends. Oh, you two.

Min-hyuk changes the subject, grumping about how she still calls him CEO Ahn. He cutely says that they should call one another something else when they’re alone together, but Bong-soon casually asks, “Why do we need a name for each other? Are we in some special relationship or something?”

Hahaha, Min-hyuk’s face immediately falls and he starts ranting (loudly) that they’ve already “done” everything together and there isn’t much left to do. “If this isn’t dating, then what is?” The mortified Bong-soon tries to shush him, but Min-hyuk scandalously gasps at her wicked views on dating and modestly crosses his arms over his chest like he’s afraid she’ll jump him at any moment.

Bong-soon’s dad closes up shop while Mom counts her precious money. She still feels uneasy even though the police (claim to) have caught the culprit, so Dad suggests she call Bong-soon to make sure she’s alright. Mom dismisses the idea that they have to worry about for their daughter, and Dad immediately takes issue, calling Bong-soon his precious girl. Awww, such a great dad.

Oh no. Kyung-shim gets off a bus with her red suitcase and starts wheeling her way, unaware that the kidnapper, Jang-hyun, is right across the street. She continues to walk through the alleys, oblivious to the danger until Jang-hyun pops out in front of her. He gives her a chilling smirk before grabbing her.

With Kyung-shim’s screams echoing in our ears, we return to Gook-doo and his men as they close in on Hee-ji. At the last minute, the hooded man following her takes a different turn — just an innocent bystander after all. Hee-ji instead turns a corner and screams… but it’s just Gook-doo rushing to an unnecessary rescue. The rest of his team converge, and they yell in frustration to realize that the kidnapper isn’t here.

Bong-soon and Min-hyuk walk home, and Bong-soon pauses when a police car races by with its siren wailing. At the same time, the kidnapper drops Kyung-shim’s tracking bracelet on the ground and stalks off with Bong-soon’s unconscious bestie over his shoulder.

Min-hyuk stops Bong-soon outside her house, worried about hearing police sirens in her neighborhood. Taking her hands, he tells her, “No matter how strong and unique you are, you are still someone I want to protect.” Bong-soon smiles and counters that it’s her job to protect him, then the two engage in a cute round of, “You go in first,” “No, you go first.”

In the alley where Kyung-shim was taken, a homeless man happens across her belongings. He grabs both her suitcase and police tracker, sneaking off with the evidence and conveniently cleaning the scene for our villain.

Gook-doo’s team returns, agitated over missing the bad guy. They make the connection that Jang-hyun was targeting Hee-ji due to her relation to Gook-doo, and the team captain instructs his men to quickly wrap up any other cases that they’re working on so they can focus on catching this guy. Heh, Cap gives Gook-doo an assignment as well: “Calm down.”

Gook-doo overhears his sunbaes saying that it feels like they’re being watched, since the culprit is always one step ahead. He remembers seeing the bugging tech in Jang-hyun’s office and looks around the station house, suddenly suspicious. Finally!

Cap and another detective stake out the junkyard. Jang-hyun’s single employee is hard at work, and Cap wonders if the man really has nothing to do with his boss’ crimes. He asks the detective about a tracker they put on Jang-hyun’s phone, but it looks like he’s either turned off his phone or is using one they don’t know about.

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