Episode 9: Life Risking Love

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Boss Tak and his boys ready themselves to rumble: They start off three at a time but Bong-soon quickly overpowers the first team without breaking a sweat. The second wave sets off and Bong-soon thinks back to Min-hyuk’s advice during their training sessions, where he had told her to look her opponent in the eyes in order to anticipate their movements.

She pulls over her pink hood and puts his words into action, dodging punches and knocking out thugs in quick succession. More men race out, but things are clearly not going as planned as Jaws screams out for his boys to take Bong-soon down.

Min-hyuk arrives first to the warehouse and he hurries in to see Bong-soon jumping around and kicking ass like a deadly spider-monkey.

Bong-soon catches her breath after a round, and for Min-hyuk, her silhouette mirrors the hooded girl from his recurring dream. This time the hood falls away, and Min-hyuk is able to confirm at last that Bong-soon was the one who saved him on the bus that day.

Gook-doo enters shortly after and tries to make sense of the scene before him. The last remaining guys approach Bong-soon, but they’re smart enough to immediately plead for their lives.

They grab onto Bong-soon’s arms as they beg, and she lifts them all at once before launching them across the room. Gook-doo looks like his brain is ready to explode, while Min-hyuk watches on with a mixture of awe and pride.

Bong-soon prepares to finish off the last man standing, Boss Tak. She stares him down as he trembles, but then Kwang-bok emerges from his hiding place behind her. He sneaks up on Bong-soon with a knife in hand.

Min-hyuk and Gook-doo spot Kwang-bok at the same time and sprint forward to stop him. Min-hyuk gets to Bong-soon first, and he jumps in front of her just in time to shield her from the blade. It pierces him instead. Gook-doo follows up with a powerful kick, knocking Kwang-bok into the ground where he punches him over and over.

Min-hyuk slumps over as Bong-soon cradles him in her arms. She sobs as she holds him and puts her hand on his bleeding wound. He puts his hand over hers and shudders from the pain, but his first words are to ask if she’s okay, and then slowly he fades.

A distraught Bong-soon accompanies Min-hyuk to the hospital where the ER doctor determines that Min-hyuk’s wound isn’t that deep and he should be fine, but they’ll run some tests to be sure. Bong-soon hovers over Min-hyuk frantically, as Gook-doo takes notice of her reaction.

She remains at Min-hyuk’s bedside while he sleeps, and cutely prays for him to wake up, promising that she will do whatever he says if he does. He comes to and upon seeing her, the first thing he says is, “It’s a relief that I got stabbed instead of you. And that you didn’t get hurt…” Then his tone suddenly turns light and he adds, “…is what you were thinking, right?”

He starts complaining and asks why he’s in the bed when she’s the bodyguard, haha. He groans in pain with every little movement, causing Bong-soon to fret each time. After throwing a tantrum over the scar he’ll have to live with, he looks over to her and asks seriously if she’s unharmed. His concern lasts about two seconds before he starts freaking out that the surgeons may have accidentally removed one of his organs, because it feels like something’s missing.

Secretary Gong comes in and begins sobbing once he sees Min-hyuk lying in the bed. But Min-hyuk cuts him off to tell him to save his tears until it’s clear that he won’t die of surgery-related complications first, and then he can cry all he wants.

Eventually, he orders Bong-soon to go and get something to eat since she hasn’t had anything all day. When she protests, he tells her, “Do you think I will get better if you starve?” LOL. He assures her that she can take good care of him when she gets back.

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