Chapter - 1

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Soft rays of sun entering from the window hit the small figure lying on a queen-sized bed.

Mariam stirred in her bed as she felt warmth on her skin from the sun. Getting up from her bed she picked up her phone from the bedside table to check the time. She became alert as soon as she saw it was 7:55 in the morning. She had to get ready for her college before heading down to help her mother and their house-help to prepare breakfast.

She sat there on her bed thinking, only a few months before she completed her graduation and then she and Rehan would be getting married. Mariam couldn't wait any longer to become his wife after so many years of waiting.

She was happy because Rehan had and his family didn't mind her working. She wanted to be a teacher. She had it all planned out in her head. Once they were married and back from their honeymoon . . . Mariam blushed at that thought. Rehan had said, "We'll go to Italy for our honeymoon and visit all the beautiful cities there." She would find a job as a teaching assistant in a kindergarten or something. Mariam loved kids and was looking forward to having her own someday with of course Rehan.

Once dressed and ready, Mariam ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Salams." She wished her mother and Khadija, their helper. Although she worked for them, everyone in the Waseem family treated Khadija as a daughter and a sister. She was a few years younger than Mariam.

"Salams Aapa." Khadija greeted and so did Tanzeem.

"What are we having today?" Mariam enquired putting tea on the stove for everyone and coffee for herself.

"Oh, you know the usual. Your father wants some boiled eggs with his toast and tea. Khadija and I have already eaten breakfast."

Marian frowned at this.

"Don't worry, Aapa. We were up early today so we ate. We'll just have some tea with you and Mamu."

'Mamu and Mami'  that's what Khadija called Mariam's parents.

Once the breakfast was ready and everyone was seated around the table Mariam's father spoke up.

"Mariam, dear I want you to be home early today."

"Sure, Papa. Any particular reason?" She asked not thinking much of it.

"Yes. There's someone I'd like you to meet. They'll be coming here in the evening so be ready by five and make sure you wear something nice." He instructed

Mariam thought something felt odd. It wasn't like her father to ask her to get dressed up for someone. But like always she didn't question him any further. She had always obeyed her parents and did as asked.

After breakfast, Mariam was on her way to college when her phone rang.

"Mariam! Where the hell are you?" It was her best-friend Natasha.  "You were supposed to be here half an hour ago." She whined through the speaker.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Papa had something to talk about so I am running late. I'll be there in five minutes. I'm almost there."



"So uncle asked you to be dressed nicely?" Natasha asked Mariam equally surprised. Being her best friend she knew that Mr. Waseem never made such demands. Not from his favorite daughter at least.

"Yeah, and I'm a little worried. What could be so important that he asked me to be home early." Mariam voiced her thought aloud. It was very unusual and she had this nagging feeling in her stomach.

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