Chapter - 18

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Please excuse any errors and read the author's note at the end. It is IMPORTANT.

Enjoy and let me know what you think about the chapter.❤

It was a few days after the ball, that Mariam found the courage to go to a pharmacy and buy herself a pregnancy test. She was terrified to say the least. Of course she wanted more kids, at least one more, but not right now. They were happy with just themselves and Zahaan who was turning one next month.

Mariam was quite excited for her baby's first birthday and she was going to make it the best first birthday.

She had asked Zeyad if she could throw a themed party for Zahaan and was very happy when Zeyad had told her, "Darling, of course, he is your son, this is your house and all the money I make is for you two. Do whatever you want. Make it as grand as you like it. Our boy is turning one!"

Mariam had squealed, excitedly and wrapped herself around Zeyad in a big hug, making them both stumble, but her husband's strong arms had steadied them. "Thank you!"

"Anything for you, baby" Zeyad winked, kissing her lips and then left for work. That happened earlier this morning and she was all alone now.

Zahaan was at the park with Stacy and Lucy was in the kitchen, making lunch even though Mariam had offered, the kind old lady had refused any help.

This is the perfect opportunity to go and get the test, thought Mariam

So, Mariam quickly changed into some jeans and a nice top along with her favourite Gucci boots and left their room. She then went to the kitchen to tell Lucy she was going out and slipped on her coat.
As soon as she stepped out ofthe house, she stopped when she realized that her car was out but not the driver. She then realized that Max was with Zeyad and she had forgotten to ask for him. Great.

Mariam took out her phone from her bag and dialed her husband's Secretary, knowing Zeyad was in a meeting today.

"Z industrials, Mr. Zeyad Ali's office, how can I help you," Spoke the professional voice of Andrew, the Secretary.

"Um, hi Andrew, Mariam here"

"Oh, good morning, Mrs. Ali. What can I do for you," the young man asked politely.

"Is um, is Zeyad, I mean is Mr. Ali still in the meeting? If he's busy I can call back later." Mariam stuttered, nervous as always.

"No, Mrs. Ali, Mr. Ali is just getting out of the conference hall. Besides, I have strict orders to inform him whenever you call. Even if he is doing some serious business deals."

"Oh," Was all Mariam could say as blushed, a smile forming on her plump lips.

"He's here, I'll forward the call right away," Andrew informed Mariam as soon as he saw his boss enter his office, right next to his desk.

"Thank you, Andrew."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Ali. Have a nice day!"

"You, too. Bye" Just as soon as Mariam bid goodbye, she heard the familiar strong voice of her husband.

"Mariam" He rasped out, his voice confident as always.

"Hi," Mariam blushed even though he couldn't see her.

"Is everything okay? You hardly ever ring me during my meetings."

"I know, and yes everything is fine. I just wanted to know if I could have your car? I wanted to buy . . . somethings from the store."
Mariam told him hesitantly. She wasn't ready just yet to tell him that she may or may not be pregnant. She didn't want to get his hopes up.

Her Everything [ Book #1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora