Chapter - 22

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In the previous chapter I asked a question, the answer to it is that Zeyad finally admitted that he too was in love with Mariam.
There was only one person who answered it. I can't find your username, but wohoo girl!! You were absolutely correct.❤❤❤❤
Dm me or just comment here so I can give you a shout out🌸🌸

Also ignore the errors.

Days went by and it was finally Zahaan's birthday. Right after New year's.

Mariam and Zeyad had spent  Christmas with Ben and Ethan and their family. It was Mariam's first Christmas and she was quite excited about it.

Toronto during Christmas was a sight for sore eyes. The streets were filled with fairy lights, mistletoes, people dressed as Santas and eleves and whatnot. Zeyad had taken them out for shopping for gifts for everyone. And even though he didn't really believed in celebrating Christmas, he did it for the sake of Mariam.

Mariam had gone all out in buying presents for everyone. From Ben and Ethan, to Lucy, Stacy and Max. She even bought a little elf costume for Zahaan, who looked absolutely adorable in it. Zeyad couldn't help but chuckle at the two most important people in his life.

The dinner was amazing. Ethan had invited Mariam earlier than the other guests to help him prepare. He'd already spent hours on the turkey that was put in the oven the night before to cook slowly.

Mariam was there to help with the sides and desserts.
"No, no. That's way too much baking powder," Ethan had told her as she began putting out ingredients for the plum cake.

Mariam had arrived just that morning with all the things that they needed to get started. And she shoved the last of the bags full of groceries in her car, she wondered if Ethan even had bought anything.

There were pies, gravy, rolls, cakes, vegetables and more. The two of them had prepared a meal that could feed more than the fifteen people that were invited.

  "Oh, thank God, I did it!" He exclaimed looking at the table set out to feed an entire town and Mariam raised an incredulous brow. "You did it?"

"Yeah, yeah, you helped a little."

"Whatever floats your boat, my friend," was all Marian said before she walked up the stairs to one of their guest rooms where she had put her clothes for the night.

Their house was almost as big as Zeyad and hers, but was a lot more modern, with glass wall, and abstract paintings lining the opaque walls, it looked more like the house of a rich bachelor's than of couple.

Ben and Ethan's families were super nice people who made Mariam feel at home. They were already very fond of Zeyad and Zahaan and they absolutely loved Mariam.

Dinner was a success much to both Mariam and Ethan's relief and everyone ate more than they could digest.  "This gravy is delicious," Ben's mother had complemented, earning a dazzling smile from Ethan, "Mariam made that. She's an excellent cook. And she makes this really amazing Biryani . . ." He began telling everyone how he just loved her food and how she helped him prepare the dinner too.

Mariam gave a bashful smile to all the praise and complements, feeling really shy.

After dinner, presents were exchanged and Mariam was surprised to find that she had received way too many presents. And so had Zahaan.
They'd bought cufflinks for Ben and and a nice white gold bracelet for Ethan.

Later that night inside their bedroom, Zeyad had surprised her with a beautiful, princess cut gold ring. And he also went as far as placing the ring on her finger before kissing her hands.

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