Chapter - 21

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Excuse the errors, they will be corrected once the story is completed.

The next morning Zeyad woke up at the sound of his phone going off. He rolled to the side, picking the device up from the nightstand.

It was from Andrew asking for a leave, as his long time girlfriend was sick and he wanted to take care of her. Zeyad being the sweet, considerate self that he was, obviously let him skip work. As soon as he put back his phone, he fell back on his pillow sighing.

It was as a Friday anyways and the workload was less, Zeyad could manage without his secretary.
Besides, he still had his new PA who was a little clumsy, but she would have to manage today without Andrew helping and guiding her.

Zeyad's mind came back to the present at the sound of sheets being moved. His eyes landed on the small body of his wife.

Mariam was curled up on the other side of their king sized bed, her bare skin visible to the eye. Zeyad's eyes roamed her naked back; her creamy complexion begging him to take her again, but he thought better of it. Last night had been an event. What with the whole thing with Rehan and all the sex that they had. He was unstoppable.

Realization hit him like a truck when he saw the light bruing on Mariam's waist. Guilt struck him instantly, making Zeyad curse.
How could he have been so selfish and inconsiderate? He could've seriously harmed Mariam!

His eyes then landed on the light sheets near Mariam where there were small stains splattered. Blood!
Zeyad panicked, thinking he might have actually hurt her, but soon calmed down when the more rational part of him realized that Mariam had just gotten her period.

His eyes soften at the discovery as he knew well enough that the morning was going to be a difficult one for Mariam.

He knew how much in pain Marian would be. Her cramps were the worst.

He remembered the first month that they had spent together when Mariam got her cycle. She was so shy about it even though the cramps were killing her. It was a Sunday and Mariam had tried to make breakfast for them while also trying to look after Zahaan.
Everything got her so overwhelmed that an hour later, Zeyad found Mariam curled up inside the kitchen pantry, crying and eating a block of chocolate.

A small smile appeared on his lips at the memory. He thought Mariam looked adorable with her blotchy face and pink eyes and nose, chocolate all over her face. Zeyad had laughed a little before picking her up and taking her to their bed after cleaning her face.

He quickly got out of the bed and pulled on his boxers before entering the bathroom where he started a warm bath for Mariam. He washed his face and brushed his teeth as he waited for the water to rise.
He then went back to the room to wake his precious wife up.

"Mariam, Darling, wake up," He whispered as he moved her hair away from her face. Mariam groaned a little before turning. "Wake up, sunshine. You had a little accident, let's get you cleaned."

Mariam sat up straight at the word 'accident' thinking she might have peed in her sleep. Her fear changed to a panic when she saw that it was her blood staining the sheets instead. Her face immediately turned the same shade in embarrassment.

How could she not have remembered to be prepared for her cycle.
"I am sorry about the sheets," She whispered from behind the comforter where she hid herself after realizing she was butt naked.

Zeyad's eyes softened even more, "It's alright, sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up first, then I'll ask Lucy to change the bedsheets."

When Zeyad saw that Mariam wasn't getting out anytime soon, he bent over and picked her up along with the sheets. "Zeyad!" Mariam squealed.
"Put me down, I am not wearing anything,"

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