Chapter - 19

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Mariam was rooted to her spot when she saw Rehan standing there, at her front door. All the way from India to Canada without any notice. Nothing.

Mariam was flabbergasted. How did he even know where they lived? It's not like he had spoken to her in the past several months. The last time she had seen Rehan was at his office. The day when she officially got to to know Zeyad.


"Rehan," The two spoke simultaneously, staring at each other. Mariam with Zahaan in her arms and Rehan with a duffle bag in his left hand and a coat held over his shoulder.

He looked tired. His usually stiled brown hair disheveled, and he had dark bag under his eyes. To say the least, he looked awful. Like a train wreck and it hurt Mariam to see him like that. A part of her believed that maybe it was because of her. Because she knew how much Rehan had loved her. More than she ever loved him.

"What are you doing here?" Mariam breathed out, surprised and finally managing to utter something other than his name.

"Can I come inside first? I'm freezing out here." He asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course, please."

Mariam moved away from the door as Rehan followed close behind.
They walked to the living area where Mariam put Zahaan in his playpen, next to the wall sized glass windows, that looked into their front lawn.

"How have you been?" Rehan asked as soon as they both settled on the couches, adjacent to each other.

His question brought a soft smile on Mariam's lips. Thinking about the past two months that she had spent with Zahaan and Zeyad. Though Mariam didn't miss the frown on Rehan's face before it turned into a forced smile.

"I am good. Really good, Alhumdulillah," She said as her hand reached for the not so small pendant around her neck.
It was flower shaped  with a decent sized diamond in the centre. Zeyad had given it to her just because he wanted to.

He didn't need and special occasion to buy her presents.

He would often come home with some sort of present with him.

Flowers, expensive chocolate, even more expensive jewellery, and stuff. Mariam had told him that he was spoiling her rotten, to which he had smiled and said, "Darling, you're mine to spoil." And kissed her passionately.

"Is he treating you good?"

"Yes, he treats me like a queen. I am happy Rehan. " Mariam added with a sympathetic smile when she saw the sad look on his handsome young face.

"Good to hear that. I was worried about you. Knowing you, I thought maybe you were having trouble adjusting here." Rehan spoke after a slight pause.

"I - I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for not being there at your wedding, but Mari, I just couldn't bring myself to see you get married to someone else. It was supposed be us, you and me. And I-I just couldn't. I really am sorry. "

"I understand, Rehan. And even though I was upset earlier, I realized that it would have been hard for you. So I don't hold any grudge against you."

"Thank you."

"Um, so that's his son?" Rehan asked pointing his thumb towards a gurgling Zahaan, playing happily with his plush toys, his hearing aid lying on th other side. Zahaan was growing and had started grabbing at things, which meant he would grab his hearing aid and throw it anywhere and everywhere.

"Our son." She said pointedly. "And yes, that's him, Zahaan."

"That's not what I meant. He's adorable,"

"Thank you. He takes after his father," Mariam replied, looking at the infant fondly.

"I--" Rehan was about to say something when the doorbell rang, stopping him.

"I'll be right back" Mariam excused herself, musing about who could it possibly be.

"Mariam!!!!" Exclaimed the obnoxious voice of Ethan as soon as she opened the door, I bright smile on his face. Like always.

"Ethan, hey" Mariam said as soon as she saw her new best friend and was enveloped in a big hug.

The two stumbled a little and started giggling like school girls. Ethan always brought out the little girl inside Mariam.

"Oh my God! You won't believe what happened!" The young male exaggerated, flailing  his arms.

"You know, Grayson? The Ceo of one of the top automobile companies? He got caught cheat-- ooh la la, who is that hottie over there?" Ethan stopped and stared at Mariam's surprise guest.

"Ethan this is Rehan," She introduced turning to Rehan and then Ethan.

"The Rehan, you mean?" He raised a perfect eyebrow, air quoting the words 'the' and 'Rehan'.

"Yes," Mariam replied clearing her throat.

"Rehan, this is Ethan. My very close friend and Zeyad's business partner, Ben's . . .fiance."

Rehan's eyebrows shot up at the statement but he kept it cool.
"Nice to meet you." He said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, hotstuff." Ethan winked coyly. He could practically hear Mariam shaking her head behind him.

"And by the way, I am her best friend not just friend. Right Mariam?"

Mariam face palmed at the scenario in front of her. "Of course, dear."

"Ehem, I think I should go. You're . . .friend is here. . ." Rehan interrupted.

"Oh, no, please stay. I was just in the neighbourhood and stopped by." Ethan said batting his eye lashes.

"Mariam, sweetheart, call me later" he said with a look that meant 'tell me everything, I need details'.

Soon Ethan was walking out the door before either of the other two could say anything.

"Some friends you have" Rehan commented after Mariam shut the door.

"Rehan," Marian warned.

"Hey, I am just kidding. He seems like nice person."

"He is. "

"Well, I just came to check if you were okay and now I know that you're more than okay. You're happy and I am happy for you." Rehan said picking up his stuff from the living room.

"I am staying at a hotel in the city. Here is the number I am using here. Call me if you ever want to catch lunch or dinner. I would love to spend some time."

"I, um yeah, sure."

"Take care, Mari," He whispered, hugging her, and before Mariam could hug him back or react, his lips were on her. He was kissing her!

Mariam was frozen to the spot, her hands to her side and eyes wide open.

That's when she heard it, the sound of door opening and closing followed by footsteps.

There was a sharp in take of breath and then, "Mariam!" Spoke the angry voice of her husband.

Zeyad was home.


Dun dun dun!!!

What is wrong with you Rehan???? OMG!!!

And Zeyad saw everything!!!
What do you think is going to happen now?? Let me know.

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