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I dribble the ball in front of me while Chres stood behind me; trying to block me from passing it to Tori or Hayley. It was Men vs Women as the boys put it. Tori, Hayley, and I were in one team and Chres, Christopher, and his friend, Jermone, in another. No surprise that they were winning.

My hand got tired as I can continued to dribble. "Ciara, pass it here!" Tori yelled.

"I'm trying," I said, chuckling. My jaws dropped when Christopher stoled it from my hands. They laughed as Chris made the shot. I groaned.

"Don't worry, Ciara" Hayley said, patting my shoulders. "We're only 4 points away" We were 20 and they were 24.

"But, if they win," I started, whining. "Chres is gonna rub it in my face"

Hayley laughed as we continued with the game. Tori made a shot when Hayley passed it to her. That got us up to 22. Honestly, I was getting tired. "Let's take a break, guys" I sat on the ground, in front of Christopher's garage. Yes, we were at his house.

Chresanto sat next to me. I heard Hayley squealed. We looked at her. "Jason's coming!"

I saw Christopher rolled his eyes. That's when I remenbered I needed to talk to her. I stood up and grabbed Hayley by her arm. "We gotta talk,"

I pulled her inside the house. I went in the kitchen and grab a water bottle out of Chris' fridge. She sat on the island and leaned the side of her face on her palm. She looked at me. "What?"

"Are you even aware of what you doing wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I stood next to her and she turned and faced me.

She furrowed her eyebrows back at me. "What'd I do?"

"Stop hanging with Jason like you don't have a boyfriend." I told her.

"Jason and I only talk" She said. "Nothing more."

"Well," I put my hands on my hip. "That's not what Chris thinks"

She sighed and bit her bottom lip. She put her head down and played with her nails. "It hurts to know that he thinks I'm cheating on him"

I don't know, my heart sank into my stomach when she said that. "Hayley, he doesn't think-"

"Yes, he does," She finally lift up her head. I wasn't surprised when I saw tears coming out of her eyes. "He told me that the other night"

"How about you just stopped hanging out with Jason on daily basis?" I said, softly.

"I can't," She said, wiping her tears. "He was once my bestfriend then we ended up going out"

"But, still, he doesn't have to be around you all the time" I raised my voice a little.

Right when I said that, somebody walked in. Hayley quickly got up from her seat and jumped on the person. "Jason!"

They hugged for another minute as I stood there getting slightly mad at Hayley. After all I said. I shook my head as she got down from him. I had to be polite. I did a smile and shook his hand. "Hey, I'm Ci-" I stopped in my mid-sentence when I look up. I pull my hand away. "Jason." I gave him a stern and hatred look.

He smirked. "If it isn't Ciara"

"You've gotta be kidding me." I said, looking at Hayley.

She laughed. "You two don't seem to like each other. You met  him before?"

"Oh, I met him," I laughed sarcastically. "He's my ex"

She frowned. "We dated the same guy?"

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