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I was sitting there, shocked at her question. I clenched my jaws and balled up my fist. I'm trying my hardest to not jump over this table and knock her out. Destiny must've notice how furious I was. She quickly started talking.

"Bitch, watchu' mean what if I did?" Destiny snapped. "We asked you a question, give us an actual answer,"

"I'll answer how I want," Justice said before smirking. "Now, what if I did?"

I gave her a grim look. "I will not hesitate to kill you."

She shrugged. "We'll see who dies first,"

"Alright, listen" Destiny started. "We didn't come here to start trouble. Just tell us what you fucking did."

"Why should I?" She asked, with that smirk plastered on her face.

"Then, why are we here?" I snapped. "Isn't it so you can fucking tell us what happened?"

She chuckled. "I'm here because you said you have some questions to ask me"

"I am asking you questions," I started. "You're the one that's not answering right,"

"You can ask whatever you want but that doesn't mean I'll answer you right" She shrugged and stood up. "I think we're done here"

I look at Destiny, who was looking down at her phone. I watched as Justice walk out the door. I got up and followed her. I heard Destiny's foot steps behind me. I saw Justice turn in a corridor.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I sped walk over to where she heading. I saw Chresanto pushed her against the wall and she shrieked. "What do you think you're doing?" He growled at her.

I turned to Destiny. "D, why is he here?"

"I texted him." She shrugged and we both walk towards them.

I almost laughed at Justice's face expression. She actually looked scared. I saw her pull out a blade. I quickly grabbed her wrist harshly before she got a chance to stab Chresanto.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled at her and took the blade out her hand.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled back.

"I could tell you the same thing." I snapped. "All you ever did was make our lives a living hell; now, tell us the truth before I stab you with this knife"

She laughed. "You won't. You won't even hurt a fly without apologizing and you think you can stab me?"

My face fell; she's right. The last time I killed someone, Brittany's dad, I felt completely horrible. Chresanto grabbed the blade out of my hand. "She won't, but, I will. Start talking."

"I didn't kill her," She said, nonchalantly.

Chresanto press the blade against her thigh. She winced. "I don't believe you."

"Why?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Destiny chuckled.

"I didn't kill her okay! I payed somebody to," Justice sighed. "I wanted to make you feel what I felt when you left me for Ciara. Just like you're hurt that your mom died, that's how I felt. Maybe worst"

"Are you fucking serious?!" I yelled. "Out of all the things you could've done, you chose to kill his mom?!"

She laughed. "Why do you care? You two weren't close"

"That doesn't mean anything, we still considered each other family"

"Who did you pay to kill her?" Chres asked through his teeth.

All I Need │Sequel Of AIEW│Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz