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Nathaniel Argent was getting ready to go meet his family at his new home

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Nathaniel Argent was getting ready to go meet his family at his new home. It's been a while since he's actually been with his parents and twin sister.

For over ten years, Nathaniel Argent has been away from his parents and twin sister. His grandfather was now his guardian, taking care of him and preparing him to take care of the family business with his father. And in those ten years, his contact with his immediate family was little to none, at the young boy's request.

Right now, Nathaniel Argent was getting ready to go meet his family at his new home. He knew that the Argent clan is known for moving from city to city and that Beacon Hills was the new stop. It was the first time he has ever heard of the town, and he found it had a silly name.

"Nate, are you ready? We need to go," Gerard Argent called from behind the door. Nate yelled an answer and sipped his luggage once he was done. The raven haired boy took one last look at his bedroom, taking his suitcases and backpack before exiting the room.

The two Argent made their way to the black SUV, packing their bags on the trunk and entering the car. "I thought I told you to put on your suit, Nathaniel?" Gerard asked, as soon as they were on the move.

Nate sighed in annoyance. He always hated when his grandpa and father called him by his full name, but knowing how strict they were he always maintain silence and learned to suck it up.

"I though I'll use my normal clothes for the drive and then change before arriving to the funeral. If that's okay with you?" Nate turned to look at the older man before quickly adverting his eyes back to the road. "It's fine. As long as we arrive on time everything's fine."

After a long ride, Nate saw the big sign 'Welcome to Beacon Hills'. He continued to ride until they arrived at the cemetery, the other black cars behind his. Gerard exited the car and waited while Nate opened the back seat and started changing into the suit. Thank god for dark windows, he thought to himself.

As he exited the car, he took the suit jacket and put it on, quickly finishing tying his tie and walking besides his grandfather. He two Argent were in the center, with the other hunters standing behind in protective stances.

A massive group of paparazzi were gathered at the funeral, all wanting to see the relatives of the woman that killed a family, the Hale family. When they were deep in the crowd, Gerard Argent noticed a teenager with a camera crouching down, pointing his lense at his granddaughter.

The two Argents pushed past the paparazzi's, and entered the secured perimeter all cameras went to them, some people murmuring to each other. "Who are they?" "I don't know but they're certainly family." "They look intimidating." Nate smirked at the last sentence. Good.

The older man took the camera from the teen's hands and analyzed it. "This looks expensive."

"Yeah, nine hundred bucks," the boy told him. Gerard handed the camera to Nate, the Argent boy taking the memory out of the device and holding it in front of his face. "And how expensive is this?" He asked, breaking the thing in two.

The teenager's face turned into a pained expression, seeing his precious possession ruined. Nate handed the camera and broken card to the boy with a blank look on his face. The boy glared at the two men in front of him before taking his camera and leaving.

"Good job, son."

Gerard, Nate and two other guys began walking towards the rest of the family. "Christopher," Gerard greeted his son.

"Nathaniel," Victoria Argent breathed out and pulled her son into a tight hug. She breathed in his newly acquired scent and pulled away, scanning his face with a smile. "It's good to see you, mom." Nate grinned at her in adoration. The young man then went to his father, shaking his hand in acknowledgement.

"Hey Allison. Miss me?" Nate smirked, looking down at his twin sister. Allison Argent was stunned. It's been years since she's seen her brother and just watching him arrive with the older man made her think she was dreaming. He had changed so much.

"Do you remember me?" Gerard asked, not allowing the brunette to answer her brother. Allison nodded her head and turned her head slightly to the right. All Argents directed their attention to where the youngest girl was looking at. When they didn't see anything, the family carried on with the conversation.

"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa."

Nate took a seat besides Allison and his grandfather, observing how Allison, once again, turned to look to her right. "What are you looking at? Are you waiting for someone?" Nate questioned her. Allison jumped at his voice, not ready to talk. "I-um... no it's nothing. How are you? I haven't seen you since we were seven."

"You know. Just business." Nate wasn't really sure if Allison knew about the supernatural, but according to everything that happened, he was ninety-nine percent sure she was aware. "You mean, the family business. Are you a hunter too? Since when?"

Gerard was listening into their conversation and decided to butt in. "He's not just a hunter, he's the best we have. Mastered every weapon, every skill since he was just a little boy." Nate smiled at the compliment. He always felt accomplished when his grandfather praised him. "Oh. So, that's why you left? That's why you never came back?" The Argent boy's smile dropped, his heart clenching.

The twins were never that close but still shared that special connection all siblings had. When Nate left at the age of seven, and never actually came back, Allison thought something happened to him, something bad. And her parents only mentioned Nate when it was the twins' birthday.

"I-I got caught up with stuff. I really wanted to go back but I couldn't," Nate defended. Allison stayed quiet from that moment on. Nate frowned, he wanted everything with his sister to be as normal as possible but due to him being away most of their lives, he knew it was just a dream.

After the funeral was done, everyone got into their respective vehicles, Nate driving behind his father towards his new house. It was a big one, it looked like a two story house made of bricks. Nate rised his eyebrow in amusement and parked the car where his father signaled him to.

"I don't suppose you have a bedroom for me, huh?" Nate asked as he entered the building. Victoria Argent smiled at his son, "of course we have, Nate. We're always thinking about you."

Allison rolled her eyes, the action not going unnoticed by her mom. "What is it Allison?"

"You're never thinking of him. You don't even mention Nate. Why are you lying to my brother about that?" Chris intervened before things escalated. "Allison, just because we don't talk about him doesn't mean we don't miss him. He's our son after all. He's just been busy."

Allison scoffed, "yeah right."

"Hey, it's okay. I asked them a couple of years back to limit our communication, I needed to focus on other things," Nate said, trying to get her to understand. She didn't. "Whatever. I'll be in my room."

Nate stared at her retreating back, making a mental note to talk to her about everything. "Son, your room is just besides Allison's, the door's open and it's just empty with a bed and some other furniture. You'll know which one it is," Victoria instructed.

Nate took his stuff and made his way upstairs. He found his room without any problem. The room was a normal sized bedroom, with a desk, a bed and a nightstand. It was painted white, making Nate cringe at the bright color. There was also a window that overlooked the front porch of the house.

He threw himself on the bed, closing his eyes at the relaxing mattress. He was tense, that was a fact. It was his first night back and he already knew that in a matter of hours the hunters were going out to hunt for someone that's been running around causing trouble.

Author's Note:
Just a quick introduction to the story, showing Nate's relationship with everyone. I hope you liked it and if you did please vote and comment.

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