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After the talk with his father and grandfather, Nate made his way to his bedroom, plopping down on the bed. He started thinking about the events of that night. Who the hell would interfere with a mission and even go to the lengths of harming a fellow hunter?

The raven haired boy laid there thinking when a shadow passed his door and to the other side of the hallway. That's when everything clicked in his brain. Nate quickly left his bedroom and went to his sister's knocking loudly. After a couple of seconds, Allison's figure opened the door.

"Hey, what's up?" She smiled harmlessly at him. "What did you do tonight?" He asked, not believing her innocent expression. "Nothing, I was here all night. Why?"

"Cut the bullshit, Allison, I just saw you come in. What were you doing tonight?" Nate snapped, taking a threatening step towards his twin. Allison gulped, worried that they caught her. "I-uh. Nothing, really."

Nate ran a hand through his hair and stared down at her with narrowed eyes. "Let me tell you what you did tonight. You interfered with a highly important mission, harmed a fellow hunter and I was the one that received all the scolding from dad and Gerard."

Allison's gaze turned to the floor in shame. "What were you thinking? You don't go against your own for supernatural creatures, you just don't do it," Nate scolded, pleased with himself when Allison's expression gave her up.

"You know, if I was trained like you, maybe I would've known these things. But no, they decided that you should've been the one to be the hunter of the family," Allison snapped back.

Nate raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? You want this? I was seven when this happened, and believe me, this past ten years have been hell but they were good. Mom and dad just wanted you to be safe from the world. And I agree with them."

"This isn't your decision to make. And neither was theirs." Allison fired back. Nate closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're right." The Argent girl's eyes widen in surprise. "Did you-did you just say I'm right?" Nate nodded nonchalantly. "It's not my decision but there's nothing you can do about it now. Just deal with it and focus on the future."

Nate went to turn around but Allison's hand grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Can I ask you something?" He stared at the hand holding his biceps and looked at it with mild disgust. Allison noticed the expression and quickly removed her hold on him.

"You're going to do it no matter what I say, shoot." Nate said crossing his arms around his chest. "Why do you hate the supernatural so much?" Allison questioned. Nate's features changed from relaxed to tense and angry in a matter of seconds. "No. Anything but that. That's a private."

Allison frowned at his brother retreating figure, really curious now about what made his sweet twin turn into this cold man. As Nathaniel arrived to his room and shut the door, Allison's question floated through his mind. "Why do you hate the supernatural so much?"

His memories from two years ago resurfaced, clouding his thoughts. His face made its way to the front, his blond hair perfectly combed and his smile present in his face. The twinkle in his vibrant blue eyes staring back at him. That whole image then distorted and a cold feeling ran through his body. The sight of his lifeless body in front of him.

"Damn it, Allison," Nate cried silently, tears forming in his eyes as James' face and memories flashed in his mind. The times they spent together and how happy they were. Only to be snatched away from them in a blink of an eye.

That night, Allison knew there was something bothering her brother, more than he was willing to show, and she wanted to figure it out, and help him get through it. Meanwhile, Nate Argent was in his bed, almost crying as he remembered his dead best friend.

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