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Nate was in pain

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Nate was in pain. Oh, he was in the worst pain he's ever been—and he's gone through some shitty stuff. He shook his head and hit his leg to get it to stop throbbing. It worked for a while, but the effects wore off and he was back to hurting.

Gerard ordered him to get his weapons, everything he could carry and could use. He took his bow and arrows, along with his rifle and a knife, which were his most trusted weapons, and the ones he learned to use the most. And now he had to do all this with a stabbed leg and an injured hand.

Great, just great.

Allison, Gerard and Nate found themselves in a warehouse, where Scott, Isaac, Chris, Derek and Jackson were. The older hunter signaled for them to go around the building and to the top and wait for his signal.

There was talking and accusations thrown around and Nate wanted to vomit at the thought. His grandfather then stepped into the light. "Of course not. Anything that dangerous, that out of control is better off dead."

Derek Hale extended his claws and went to slice, but Jackson's hand shot out and stabbed him, lifting him into the air and throwing him back. That's a new one, Nate thought. Gerard taunted Scott, and made the signal for Allison and Nate.

Her arrow fired first, landing on Isaac's shoulder. He fired next, and his arrow landed on Isaac's leg, and the young werewolf collapsed. He descended from the top of the building and waited—he knew what he and to do and when to do it.

Look, he tolerated Scott to a certain degree—if he ignored that the McCall kid was a werewolf, but this was bigger than any of that. This was for his family, for his mental health. And it was something Grandpa commanded.

He fired his bow and the arrow landed besides Scott's head, startling him. He ran at him and sliced his blade across his chest, Scott's legs giving away. He smirked but was groaning in pain a second later when Scott punched his injury to get away from him.

He stood up, hitting the side of his leg and rushed to where Scott, Allison and Derek was, knife in hand and ready to attack. Nate was not fast enough to react as the Kanima disarmed Allison and placed his claws against her neck.

As much as their bonding was pointless, Nate cared about Allison's safety and charged at the Kanima, only for the creature to be faster and wrap his tail around his neck, squeezing. Nate grunted as he was lifted, his hands dropping his weapons and going to his neck in desperate movements to get the reptile tail from him.

"Not yet sweetheart."

Allison looked at his grandfather. "What are you doing?"

Nate felt the Kanima squeeze tighter. What the hell was Geard doing? "He's doing what he came here to do," Scott answered her.

"So you know. It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it. When I threatened your mother. I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?"

"He's dying."

Nate's eyes widened thought the search for oxygen. Gerard was dying? Is this why he was doing everything, to leave a chaotic legacy through his grandson, or was there a superior motive. Knowing Gerard, there was. "I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet."

"Grandpa," Nate squeaked through the lack of oxygen getting to his lungs and brain.

"But the supernatural does," Gerard said, ignoring his struggling pupil. Gerard looked at the Kanima, and the creature squeezed his hand and tail, and Nate closed his eyes as it was getting even more difficult to breath.

"You monster," Chris states.

"Not yet," Gerard smirked.

Nate gasped as he clawed against the tail and tears were starting to form in his eyes. He couldn't believe his own grandfather, the person that trained and raised him was the one that was going to end up killing him. And he didn't have the balls to do it directly, instead using the Kanima.

His gasp was louder than intended as Chris Argent looked at his children. "You'll kill them, too?"

"When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son." Gerard didn't hesitate. He was talking and talking, not caring who he hurt. The words were slow to register in Nate's head, but he was devastated.

"Bastard," he whispered through the small ounce of strength he had, and his hands dropped from the tail as he was now just fighting to stay awake. He really couldn't believe that everything Nate did for his grandfather, he was going to kill him.

Nate didn't know what was happening, he just saw Scott approach Derek, and lift him up. He opened his mouth, fangs protruded, and Gerard placed his right arm for Derek to bite. Gerard's scream was heard and that's when Nate knew he did it.

His eyes opened once again and frowned. The blood was black, not it's usual red color. Gerard noticed the weirded out looks and focused on the bite. "What it this? What did you do?"

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. I had a plan too."

Nate felt the tail let loose a little, but he was still on the air. "Kill them. Kill them all!" The Kanima threw Nate away and against a wall, the young man falling to the ground with a thud and coughed. He landed on his injured wrist and leg, while also fighting to regain his bearing.

He was done. He had no energy left to fight to get up. He turned on his back and looked up, just hearing everything that was going on. "Jackson!" he heard Lydia's voice and turned his head to look at her. She was handing Jackson a key and the boy was walking back turning back to himself. Then Peter and Derek Hale, stabbed their claws on him, killing Jackson.

Chris came to his son side and sat him up as they both stared at Lydia hugging Jackson's corpse and gently placing him on the ground. Nate sighed, hating, for some reason, seeing Lydia crying. Then, like a miracle just happened, Jackson stood up now as a werewolf and the former couple was hugging.

There was a weird feeling in Nate's heart at the sight, but he ignored it. He had no right, no right.

Chris noticed the pained expression on his son, not knowing if I was from all the physical and emotional toll, or because what was happening in front of him. If it was the former, Chris was surprised—his son has never cared for anyone like that since James.

"Can you take me home?" He whispered in agony, but his voice was low as he was still recovering from the squeezing. Chris nodded and helped him up with caution. His groans were loud, alerting the people around of his pain. Surprisingly, Scott walked to him and took a hold of his arm. Reluctantly, and too tired to do anything about it, Nate allowed him to take away some of his pain. "Thank you," he whispered.

He casted one last look at Lydia and Jackson, the strawberry blonde sending him a small smile. He reciprocated the action and limped out with his father's help. He was placed on the back seat of the black SUV and he rests his head against the window.

The last ten years of his life were ruined. His grandfather turned on everyone, even him. Why the hell would he do that? Gerard was the longest and steadiest relationship he had left, but his greed and hunger for power broke it. And now Nate had no one left.

Everything he knew was all gone.

It was time for him to start over. He wanted out of this. Gerard really did tear him apart. He may have not succeeded in killing him, but he did kill his will to continue this fight. He used him, used his vulnerability after losing James and his vulnerability after losing his mother. Made him a pawn in his game. He was betrayed, by the one person he thought would always have his back.

Nate looked up at the sky and sighed. He was letting him go, the one person that drove him to this point.

"I'm sorry, my love. I can't do it anymore. I'm really sorry, James"

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