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The Majestic Mount Freedom stood, majestically, on the outskirts of Fashion City.  Its snow-capped peaks added a real grandeur and natural beauty to the otherwise unexceptional skyline.  Its overbearing presence was a real tourist draw.  That and the snow-boarding was excellent.

Majestic Mount Freedom's official designation was Landmark🏜80235234-b, but for some reason people had been unwilling to use its government label.  Mostly, people called it Mount Freedom.  The Majestic Corporation owned so many landmarks that it would have been too tedious to say Majestic every time you wanted to plan a trip or hit the slopes with your bros.  Things had got even worse recently, now that Majestic had moved into opening bars, clubs and apparel outlets.  So, the Mount Freedom label, minus the Majestic, had stuck.

Mount Freedom was situated on the coast, directly between the Majestic Fashion City Outskirts Amusements Complex (Landmark🎡77728-a) and a rather attractive strip of resort quality beaches.  The mountain blocked access to the beaches and obstructed view of the rather magnificent ocean that the beaches abutted.  This catastrophic problem had prevented Fashion City from winning the 🌎Best City Award seven years in a row.  This in-spite of the fact Majestic was one of the award show's largest official sponsors.

Long story short, something had to be done about it, and so for the last several years plans had been brewing about ways to tackle the problem. 

Initial ideas had focused on drilling and excavation.  But, tunnels were so unsightly and didn't address the view problem.  Even with the added proposal of a giant streaming vid-screen, with 24/7 beach-cam, the plans had failed to gain any traction.

There was a camp of people who had petitioned for outright destruction.  Their argument was that Fashion City could do with a rebrand and that more money could be made from a newly furnished beach than from a tired old mountain. Most people, however, disagreed with this line of reasoning and the movement didn't garner much support. Their promotional campaign hadn't helped much, either, completely missing the mark with its slo-motion footage of scantily clad beach babes and bros, carrying surf boards and inflatables, charging headlong towards a pack of goggle and ski-mask-wearing snow-boarders. For those who weren't turned off by the shallow and old-fashioned attempt at sexualised salesmanship, the whole thing just looked like fun.

But, when it came down to it, this was a side issue. The real problem was the name. You were hard pushed to find anyone who'd sign a proposal that called for the "comprehensive smoothing" of something called Mount Freedom, no matter how delicately it was worded, or how often it was referred to as Landmark🏜80235234-b. The proposal was dead in the water, which remained well and truly obstructed by the mountain.

So instead, they had decided to move it.

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