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ScientificResearcher😕187's birth name was Albert Einstein.  Most people didn't get birth names these days, but the practice had been a little more common when he was born and Albert's parents had held particularly conservative values.  He had always hated that name.  It was like his parents had immediately set him up for failure.  It didn't take a genius to realise that they'd intended the opposite, but, if anything, that had only made things worse.

Over all, from SciRes187's perspective, his career had been largely mediocre.  He'd scraped through his studies and landed himself an internship at a second-tier cosmetics company.  After six months in this job, he'd been "promoted" into the basement lab of an affiliated consumer electronics company.  This had ostensibly been a research position, but largely meant shaping (pronounced faking) data to show that a particular brand of VR headset had no long-term negative psychological or physiological effects on 76% of its user-base.  An acquisition by the Majestic corporation had moved him into his current job as an assistant in the Majestic Mountain Mover Team, run by the 🌎 Renowned (and Majestic Award winning) Scientist🤑11.   Somewhat to his surprise, he hadn't completely failed in this team and for one reason or other people seemed to tolerate his performance.

Objectively, given his young age, an outsider might even have described his career as successful, or at least up and coming, but what little success he'd managed to achieve was marred for Albert Einstein by a deep sense of imposter syndrome. He was convinced that the name accounted for 99% of the positive feedback he received.

SciRes187's job in Scientist🤑11's lab was to do exactly what she told him to do.  Her instructions were precise and her intuitions were largely spot on.  Not screwing up was a skill within SciRes187's grasp, or at least it had been up until that point, though he lived in perpetual fear that following instructions might not be something he truly had an aptitude for and he couldn't shake the feeling that he might be faking even this basic skill.

When he had started in the lab, planning was already in its advanced stages and they were beginning to set up some experiments.  There were three main lines of attack. 

The first and most conventional approach involved cutting through the base of the mountain, somehow lifting it onto a flatbed truck and ground transporting it into its new location.  This approach had been largely ruled out from the start.  Not only were there no roads wide enough to transport the mountain, but, at the end of the day, the science involved just wasn't cool enough.  Even mechanical floatation had been mostly discarded, because the balloons or propellers or jet-thrusters would have been unsightly and far too prosaic.  The idea of floating the mountain was cool, though.

Option two involved nano-tech.  The plan would be to atomically infiltrate the entire mountain structure, force its molecules to bond with ultra-small particle devices, and through (probably) magnetic interactions lift and transport it. The result: flying mountain with no unsightly silhouette.  This was the top contender.

Although, there was also option three.  Option three also involved nano-tech, but it added in some quantum technology, too.  Option three was cool and almost definitely would have been the number one rated option, if wasn't for the fact that no one had the first inkling of how to do it. Option three was the stuff of every SciFi junky and scientist's fantasies. Option three was: teleportation.  If they could pull that off, even just a little bit, the live-stream would be epic.

SciRes187 had been put onto the teleportation team. Unsurprisingly, it was Scientist🤑11's pet project.  For SciRes187, this fact alone had dampened his enthusiasm entirely.

"Albert Einstein," he thought, though it wasn't completely clear who he was referring to, "why couldn't you have been a plumber?"

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