1. Meeting Gandalf & New Friend.

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Ayrn was walking through a valley, her silver blonde hair up in it's usual style, her white and blue Armour, gleaming like untainted snow. Her prey all around her as she walked by their dead bodies, their black blood never marring the clean gleam of her armour. Her sword wiped clean then set back into it's sheath at her hip, her bow and arrows not touched as she had finished the pack of orcs hunting her with her sword. 

Ayrn was heading towards Bree for a night of rest, when she felt she was being followed, turning just as the follower had reached out for her she held her drawn bow and notched arrow at his throat, her ice blue eyes locked on his blue-grey ones. "I mean no harm." the grey man said his hands where she could see them. "What do you want?" she said her bow still drawn but lowered, "I wish to ask if you would like to join in on an adventure with a group of companions and I." 

Ayrn looked at this man, he was much older than he looked he could tell, then again so was she, but he radiated mystery and curiosity. His pointed hair gave his height more lift, as his robes hid years of experience with the blade sitting on his hip. His breath smelled of pipe smoke and his worn hands showed that he was as well versed with a sword as he was books and old parchments. Figuring out who he was she put away her arrow and bow. "Gandalf the Grey, in the flesh. Do you seriously wish me to join you on your adventure?" Ayrn asked.

The old looking man's brows rose in surprises. "Yes, it would be very good for you, and the company I'm traveling with, not to mention entertaining for me." Ayrn rolled her eyes, "I will see, is there a place and time requirement?" Ayrn asked putting her bow onto her back. "Well, yes. Meet me in the Shire three days from now, in BagEnd there is a hobbit house with a mark on the door, don't be late." Gandalf said and tipped his hat to Ayrn before walking off into the forest going where ever he was needed.


Heading into the stables of Bree, Ayrn purchased a pure white Clydesdale horse, he seemed to be causing problems with the men in the town but was obedient with Ayrn

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Heading into the stables of Bree, Ayrn purchased a pure white Clydesdale horse, he seemed to be causing problems with the men in the town but was obedient with Ayrn. And the owner of the stable was all to happy to be rid of the problem. Purchasing a saddle and bit, Ayrn walked the horse with her to let him get used to her and when she sensed he was opening up she calmly mounted up and nudged him into a nice steady pace out of Bree. 

It was obvious that with her getting this horse she was going to go on this adventure so, she leaned into the ear of her newly named horse and whispered, "Let's go to the Shire, Derek, and see what this grey wizard wants from us." Derek nickered and softly tossed his head in agreement.        

The White Armoured Shifter. [The Hobbit FF-ThorinxOcxAragorn Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now