1. At the Sign of the Prancing Pony.

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Third person's point of view.

Ayrn had slowly returned to herself in the care of Aragorn, it had taken her a few years to be comfortable or ready enough to shift back into her human form, and when she finally had, she was able to give the young man her name, instead of letting him call her Unicorn in elvish, which despite being she didn't like being called. After years of traveling and bonding in a means of friendship, 

Ayrn had opened up about her past, the one with her husband and son and the one with Thorin and the company, he had explained that he had heard about that battle but was in the north when it had happened, so he couldn't have helped. Months after leaving Erebor and meeting Aragorn, they had run into Legolas who had been looking for Aragorn and was surprised to see the young man traveling with her,

Ayrn had greeted Legolas with a head toss and nudged him to hug her with her head and he had done it with a sad and happy smile, after that she became the sibling he always wanted, while to her he had become the son she had lost, they had travelled for years before Legolas was ready to return home to his father, the two males didn't want to part, but Ayrn had reassured them they'd see each other again,

And sure enough in the form of Gandalf, Aragorn and Ayrn were off chasing Gollum to bring to Mirkwood to keep him our of trouble. There in the woodland realm for a few days the trio caught up on the events of their time apart, Aragorn and Ayrn had fought in the battles of Men and traveled more before visiting other Elven kingdoms, mostly Mirkwood and Rivendell, Lothlorien wasn't as popular for them as the other two were,

A young elf-maiden from Rivendell was affectionate with Aragorn but he just couldn't connect with her the way he had as a child when he was growing up in Rivendell, his affections for the elf-maiden had faded in the continuous presence of the White-shifter, Ayrn was such a pure creature who had suffered so much pain and worried about being alone and Aragorn knew the feeling,

And so he made it his personal promise never to leave her, not for anything, unless she told him to, so now after meeting her at the tender age of 10, Aragorn now 87 years old, is secretly in love with Ayrn, she understands him and doesn't ask about his life before meeting her, despite him asking about her's, 


Now sitting in a pub called the Prancing Pony, they waited on the Hobbit Gandalf said would be coming, it was their job to get him and anyone with him to Rivendell where Gandalf would meet them, it was a surprise to Ayrn when Gandalf had told her who the little hobbit was when she'd asked, a little hobbit she'd seen when she went to join the Company against Smaug, he had been a little babe in his mother's arms, 

Which was a good 70 or so years ago, now the young Hobbit in question was going to be 51 if her calculations were right, and they were as he came stumbling into the pub with three other Hobbits, all of them drenched and shivering, "It looks like he's here," Ayrn said to Aragorn who sat hidden by the shadows of the pub, only the light of a single candle and Aryn sitting to his left said that someone sat there,


When the Hobbits arrive at the gates of Bree, soaking wet due to the pouring rain. They pause, uncertain how to declare themselves. "Come on." Frodo ushered, he knocked on the gates. A small peephole opens high above them, then slams shut. Another opens, nearer their eye level. An old face peers out against the downpour. A gruntled old man showed in the peephole, "What do you want?"

"We're heading for the Prancing Pony." The Gatekeeper while opening the gate said, "Hobbits! Four hobbits! What business brings you to Bree?" he questioned, "We wish to stay at the inn. Our business is our own." Frodo said secretively, "All right young sir, I meant no offence. 'Tis my job to ask question after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful." He ushers them inside.

The White Armoured Shifter. [The Hobbit FF-ThorinxOcxAragorn Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now