3. Into The Wild & Trolls.

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Ayrn sat on Derek waiting on the dwarves to finish getting ready and to mount up. Several of them were already on their ponies and waiting, Thorin exited the hobbit's home and frowned when he saw that she was ready already and waiting on a horse that made her seem like a knight in shining armour. Tsking under his breath he shrugged up his bags further onto his shoulder and walked over to his own pony. When he was saddled up he lead the readied company out onto the road that would lead them towards Erebor.

"Miss. Ayrn," Kíli called as he rode up to the woman. Looking down at him she smiled softly, "Yes, Kíli?" the brunet smiled back politely feeling her smile infect him, "I want to know more about you, if you don't mind that is." the woman thought on it for a moment before not seeing any problems in it. "What would you like to know?" she asked, "Where do you come from?" thinking on how to answer, when she figured it out she said, "Well I originally came from the North but my people were killed, and I am all that is left." she said giving detail but not a lot.

Kíli frowned, "I'm sorry I made you think of such a bad time." she shook her head, and reached down and patted his, "It is fine little one, do not fret. Do you have any other questions?" she asked to change the topic. Smiling he nodded, "What are you? I mean you said the other night you weren't an elf, so what are you?" ruffling his hair softly she straightened up a bit, "Well for the most part I am human, so for now. Till I'm absolutely ready to tell you, that is what I am." Kíli nodded.

The woman looking a head, gave Kíli the chance to see the silver locket around her neck. "What's in the locket?" Humming at the young dwarf's question she looked down at the locket she never took off and had with her since the death of her people. "Believe it or not I was once married, this locket hold the images of my husband and my son." Kíli frowned. "I did it again I'm sorry." chuckling sadly, Ayrn shook her head. "It's fine, little one. It hurts but not as much anymore." Getting his fill of questions Kíli continued to ride with the woman.

Though he had asked questions he still had more but he was afraid to ask worried he would bring up something saddening. "Wait! Wait!" a faint voice called. Thorin calling everyone to a stop to see who was casing after them, turning in their saddles everyone saw the little hobbit. Ayrn smiled when he walked over to Balin with his signed contract. Looking it over with a single eye glass, he nodded, "Everything seemed to be in order, welcome. Master Baggins to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield."

Bilbo smiled brightly and was about to start walking when Thorin snapped, "Give him a pony." Bilbo tried to argue saying he had done his fair share of walking but Kíli and his brother yanked the poor hobbit onto one of the ponies and the group was off.


After traveling for a few days with only one big stop for a break, the group stopped again and Thorin gave the order to start a fire and for Kíli and his brother to stay and watch the ponies. Derek being too attached to Ayrn didn't move from his spot by her side. None of the dwarves were big enough nor strong enough to make the big animal move so they left him be so long as he didn't step on any of them. Suddenly Gandalf stormed off and Ayrn didn't need to ask him what was wrong to know who was the cause of the Wizards angry pace.

Looking at Thorin, Ayrn stared at him, her gaze wasn't angry but it was knowing and disappointed, and the dwarf could sense and feel her icy eyes on him, when he looked at her he his heart jumped in his chest, her face was clear of the head piece she wore and her hair was down and un-styled, waving and twisting down her back to her waist, making her even more feminine than he would have ever been able to see her as. "Thorin! Come quick! There are Trolls the took some ponies and Bilbo went to get them!"Kíli and his brother shouted coming out of the foliage.

Growling in annoyance, Thorin grabbed his weapons and gave the order for the others to do the same, looking back at Ayrn she was back in her usual look hair up and head piece on. Swords drawn the company followed the two boys and they were lead to the Trolls camp. Crouched in the bushes the watched as Bilbo denied that there were more people out in the wood, though as one of the Trolls said to torture Bilbo, Kíli leapt into the Troll camp and sliced up the one who had threatened the hobbit.

Much to the soft worried calls of his brother, uncle and the woman. The Troll squealed asKíli sliced at him and when he was in full view of the three of them he commanded, "Drop him!" though the troll was curiously confused snapped out, "You what?" only to haveKíli repeat himself with a twirl of his sword and a battle hungry grin, "I said, 'drop him.'" the troll growled and toss the hobbit toKíli just in time as the rest of the company rushed out and started slashing and stabbing at the three trolls.

Ayrn had caught sight of Thorin about to be stepped on and jumped to grab him just in time. Spinning out of the way the two tumbled to the ground him on top of her, "Your welcome." she said with a small smile and he nodded before jumping up and yanking her with him to continue fighting. Seeing a troll going after Bilbo she drew her bow and arrows and notched an arrow aiming it for the troll getting him in his last good eye, blinding him and giving Bilbo time to get the horses out of the way.

The company though tiring fought till morning, and the trolls roared and screamed even more as they turned to stone. Panting and groaning in exhaustion the dwarves collapsed on the ground letting their worked out muscles relax after the fighting. It wasn't till an hour after dawn that Gandalf returned and saw them all either laying down or passed out from exhaustion. Ayrn not wanting to sit till she had to, stood with Thorin using her legs as a prop for his back as he sat panting against her shins.

Bending down she gripped him under the arms and pulled him up. "Time to move we can't stay here." nodding he ordered some of the dwarves to return to camp and pack up then to bring everything here to be properly put away so they could be ready to travel in two hours.

The White Armoured Shifter. [The Hobbit FF-ThorinxOcxAragorn Love Story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن