4. The War Starting & The King's Return.

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Third person's point of view.

A rumbling is heard in the distance, and the armies look up to see the ridge being covered by troops of heavily armored dwarves, lead by a huge dwarf riding a battle-pig. Gandalf looked to the quickly filling ridge line and grumbled out in a sour tone, "Ironfoot." Ayrn set her hand on Gandalf's shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. The Erebor dwarves begin cheering and screaming as they see their backup arriving.

"Ribo i thangail!" (Rush the shield-fence!) Thranduil ordered and Ayrn turned on her horse to watch the elves move in unison. Thranduil rides through his army as his Elves and the Lakepeople turn away from the gates of Erebor and begin marching quickly toward the oncoming Iron Hills dwarves. Gandalf strides along with them, Bilbo rushing to keep up. "Who is that? He doesn't look very happy." Bilbo asked and commented.

"It is Dain, lord of the Iron Hills - Thorin's cousin." Gandalf said to Bilbo answering his question. "Are they alike?" he asked curious and worried all at once. "I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." Gandalf said as the two armies halt a short distance from one another, and Dain rides his pig onto a rocky overlook to address the Elves and Men. "Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider...just sodding off!"

The townspeople, clutching their weapons, step back in fear, while the Elves pull out their swords and step forward. Ayrn seeing that stubborn runs in the family smacked her hand to her head and shook is softly in embarrassment. "All of you - right now!" Dain shouted when no one moved to leave, Gandalf and Ayrn strood(???) forward. "Come now, Lord Dain!" Gandalf called up to the dwarf lord.

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!" Dain ordered as nicely as he could manage. "There is no need for war between dwarves, men and elves! A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down!" Gandalf called back hoping to get through to the dwarf. "I will not stand down before any elf! Not least this faithless woodland sprite!" He says gesturing toward Thranduil, who looks angry.

"He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin - I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" Thranduil smiles furiously, and the Erebor dwarves cheer. "He's clearly mad, like his cousin!" Ayrn like Gandalf tried to defuse the situation by keeping her horse next to Thranduil's elk and her hand out slightly to catch his reins in case he moves to attack.

"You hear that, lads?!" He turns and rejoins his army. Ayrn looks to Thranduil and frowns. "Stop letting them anger you, you need a calm mind to see through this." his eyes turn to her and if it were possible he would have made her head explode just by looking at her, he was glaring so hard. "You hear that, lads?!" Dain taunts as he turns and rejoins his army. "Come on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" Ayrn rolls her eyes at the dwarves antics.

A dwarf yells out a command, and the Iron Hills dwarves raise their weapons and cheer. Thranduil rides over to Bard ordering to stand his men down while he deals with Dain and his dwarves. The Elves perform a complicated maneuver to put their shield-and-spear bearers at the front of the army, while the arches stand behind them.

"Thranduil! This is madness!" she shouts over the loudness of the dwarves on their Rams racing down the hill towards the elves who have drawn their bows and aimed arrows at them by the command of their King. Giving the order to release their arrows they flew with deadly intent but Dain gave a command and several spinning projectiles spun through the air protecting the dwarves from the elven arrows.

The spinning projectiles killed several rows of elves and Thranduil looked from the injured and wounded back to Dain and his approaching dwarves, "How did you like that! You tweedly deedlies! Ha-ha! You buggers!" In retaliation, Thranduil released another volley only to have the same thing happen again. Giving another order the elves switch to a spear and shield wall as the dwarves are too close for arrow waves. Layer upon layer of shields protect the majority of elves, but the dwarves are still able to get over the shields.

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