5. Death of Durin's Son.

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Dwalin, Fili, and Kili having caught up with Ayrn and Thorin rode onward, not hesitating as they went.

-End Recap-

Third person's point of view.

Back in Dale, Gandalf watches human spearmen and archers kill a massive troll. "We may yet survive this." Bilbo seeing the tall wizard calls to him, "GANDALF!" Gandalf kills an orc, then hurries over to where Bilbo is standing at the wall and watching Ayrn, Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili ride up a spur of the mountain to where Azog is. "It's Thorin!" Bilbo points as he shouts, "And Ayrn, Fili, Kili...and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors!"

"To do what?" Bilbo questions worriedly, "To cut the head off the snake."


Atop the hill, Azog hears the sound of hooves, and he snarls. Ayrn, Thorin, and Co. reach some ruins on top of the hill, killing orcs along the way; there is a frozen river between them and where Azog is.


Legolas and Tauriel arrive back in Dale together on a horse; they charge through the streets, killing orcs on their way. They come to where Gandalf is standing. "Gandalf!" Legolas calls getting the wizard's attention as he rides in with Tauriel behind him, "Legolas... Legolas Greenleaf!" greets back thankfully, "There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us!" Gandalf frowns

"Gundabad...This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the north." says figuring it out, Bilbo worried rushes up to Gandalf's side, "Wha...the north...where is the north, exactly?!" Bilbo gasps out while turning to look around, "Ravenhill." Gandalf says then walks off in that direction, Gandalf turns and strides over to the parapets to look at the hill where Thorin went; that is Ravenhill.

"Ravenhill...Thorin is up there! And Ayrn, Fili, and Kili - they're all up there!" At the sound of Kili's name, Tauriel is alarmed. Together, they all look out toward the top of Ravenhill, which is shrouded in mist.


Thorin, Ayrn, and Co. are still fighting in the ruins across the frozen river from Azog's stronghold. Having defeated all the enemies at present, they look out across the river at the ruins in which Azog was last seen; his wooden signaling machines are visible through the mist. "Where is he?" Thorin growls as he slides down from Ayrn's back the others dismounting as well. "Looks empty. I think Azog has fled!" Kili says hoping that it's true.

"I don't think so...Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something; report back, do not engage - do you understand?!" Thorin says sternly while looking at his nephews. "We have company; Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." Dwalin warns. They look back the way they came to see goblins running over the ruins towards them. "We'll take care of them. Go! Go!" Thorin orders shooing them off.

"Come on!" Dwalin roars, as Fili and Kili run towards the river, Thorin, Ayrn, and Dwalin prepare to meet the goblins rushing toward them. Thorin quickly turns to Ayrn and does the one thing he never thought he'd do, "Ayrn we're going to need reinforcements. Get Gandalf and maybe some elves." seeing the Future King in his eyes she tossed her head nodding and took off across the ice slipping a bit as she went.

"Why did you do that?" Dwalin asks as he knew they needed her. "I won't have her get hurt because of Azog, she's gone through enough pain because of him." Dwalin smirked and nodded, "Let's finish this before she gets back, I'd hate to need actual help from elves." Dwalin teases and Thorin chuckles before the engage the Goblins.


In a moment of peace, Thranduil walks slowly through the city, seeing the fallen bodies on the ground, many of which are his own elves. His commander comes running up. "Recall your company." The commander blows a horn. Gandalf comes running up. "My lord, dispatch this force to Ravenhill! The dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned." "By all means, warn him. I have spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land - No more!"

The White Armoured Shifter. [The Hobbit FF-ThorinxOcxAragorn Love Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon