7. Goblin Town.

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Inside the cave, Aryn went to see if it was empty. When there was a back to the cave she relaxed and hunkered down there so that the dwarves had space to stretch out without her taking up so much space. "Aryn?" Thorin called looking for her, "Here." she said back softly as she didn't want to echo. "Why are you back here by yourself?" he asked worriedly, "I didn't want to take up too much space." she said simply. "Would you mind if I sit with you?" he asked hovering over the empty space by her side.

Shaking her head she moved a bit more and he lowered himself to the ground and wondered if she was cold. "Are you cold?" he asked wanting to know, "No not really I tend to run a warmer temperature because I shift from human form to animal so my animal form is warmer and shows in my human form." she explained and wiggled closer to him as she figured he might be cold and wanted to warm up.


It was almost an hour later when the very distant sound of howling woke Aryn from her sleep. Carefully detaching Thorin from her side she went and stood at the cave entrance, Bofur had fallen asleep and she couldn't blame him they were all exhausted and needed as much rest as they could get. Leaning on the arch of the cave Aryn watched the storm as it was still raging, from inside the cave, Bilbo was silently packing his things to leave and when he stood close to the door he had started Bofur into waking up.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked leaning up from the wall he had fallen asleep against. Bilbo stopped and turned to the dwarf, both not noticing Aryn at the cave entrance listening to them. "Back to Rivendell." wide awake now Bofur stepped up to Bilbo, "No, No, you can't turn back now, eh? You're part of the company. You're one of us." Bofur argued but from the feel of the conversation, Bilbo was set in his decision. "I'm not, though am I?" Aryn turned slightly to look over her shoulder and frowned.

This Hobbit was making a huge mistake and he would realize it later on. "Thorin said I shouldn't have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking." Turning more Aryn could see that the conversation had woken Thorin and he was looking at the two men talking and when he saw her watching him downcast his eyes to avoid her disappointed gaze. He was a bit guilty of making the Halfling think that Thorin thought he was useless when on several occasions he had saved them.

When they had stopped talking and Bofur wished Bilbo good luck he turned to leave only to notice Bilbo's glowing sword. Aryn figuring it out moved to protect the dwarves and the hobbit but the trap door they didn't know they were sleeping on opened and dropped all of them.


Sliding through the tunnels Aryn had tried to grab anyone that would come into reach of her but whenever she was just about to grab them they would roll further away, it wasn't till they all fell through the end of the tunnel and then collapsing on top of each other that she was able to take inventory of the dwarves to make sure they were okay. From their groans, they sounded bruised and sore but nothing was broken. Knelt in front of the company she was pulling Thorin out from under several of the other Dwarves when they started shouting and pointing at something coming.

Quickly looking she snarled in disgust and kicked one back that knocked over the rest, but the recovered quickly and eight of them jumped her because she was the tallest and seemed to have much more strength. Herded her and the other Dwarves somewhere the Goblins lead them to what now could be described as a defiled throne room. It came with its very own Goblin King, whom was deformed and had a large gut with three chins hanging under his jaw.

"Who be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" The Goblin King asked having stumbled out of his throne to spew his words as if he had a regal upbringing. "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" he guesses though his voiced cracked at the end. One of the goblins seeing his king's distress answered and said, "Dwarves, Your Malevolence." questioning the foul creature he replied that they were found on the front porch so to speak.

The White Armoured Shifter. [The Hobbit FF-ThorinxOcxAragorn Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now