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Where am I? This isn't my bed? These aren't my clothes? I'm going to be sick.

My arms felt heavy as I brought them up to my face to rub my eyes, the room was dark and I didn't recognise it. I touched my body, I don't recognise this shirt, or the boxers I'm wearing- I know they're not Tyler's.

Oh my god Tyler!

I shot up quickly, my head spinning and stomach churning, I didn't know where I was but there was about to be puke all over their bed sheets. I looked around for a bin and found one strategically placed next to the bed. I grabbed it and brought it up to my face the smell of vodka and sourz filling the room. I wiped my mouth and turned my head to see a glass of water and a little white pill next to it, a post it note stuck to the best side table saying 'Take this'. I swallowed them both and stepped out of the bed, opening the bedroom door. I stepped out of the room and immediately knew where I was- Lucas' room. Questions filled my mind but I ignored them as I walked down stairs and into the kitchen where Tyler, Ashley and Lucas were sat eating breakfast.

"How's your head?" Tyler said smiling.

"I'm fine." I said taking a toaster waffle and slowly chewing on it.

"You were so wasted last night." Ashley giggled. I swallowed hard and took another bite of my waffle.

"I was?"

"Yeah, you don't remember anything?" Tyler asked.

"I don't?" I responded.

"You really don't remember anything?" Lucas questioned causing me to look at him, I started thinking about last night and then an excruciating pain overtook my brain.

I stumbled outside to where all the cars were, it's much quieter here. I just want some goddamn silence and they keep playing their music way too loud. I sat down taking my heels off as I can no longer feel my feet, taking another gulp of whatever alcohol was in my hands- frankly I don't care because it's doing the trick. I'm so tired, I just want to sleep. My eyes and bones are heavy, this grass looks comfortable. I don't think anyone would care if I just took a nap here, Tyler wouldn't care- he hasn't said two words to me tonight, too busy with his new friends- which is fine, he is allowed to have and make friends but this isn't him.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Someone came and sat down next to me wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt.

"Playing mini golf." I bluntly responded taking another sip from the bottle in my hands.

"I think you've hand enough." He said trying to take the bottle from me.

"Fuck off Lucas." I retorted pulling back on it and taking another drink.

"Give me the bottle Riley." He demanded taking the bottle from me.

"I need it." I pouted.

"Why?" He asked.

"I just don't want to think or feel anything for a little bit." I said holding my hand up and squeezing my fingers together.

"What have you got to run away from?" He asked taking a swig of the bottle himself.

"Just stuff." I rested my head on my hands which were resting on my knees.

"What stuff?" He asked again.

"Little things, they all pile up and I just can't handle it." I muttered, Lucas just gave me this look that I couldn't quite decipher. "I don't know how to handle it, I'm expected to be the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect best friend, the perfect girlfriend and I just can't keep it up."

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