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Frustrated, I attempted to fix my hair while glaring into the mirror in the hallway of Tyler's house. Tonight, is the night Tyler is receiving his award at city hall and I have to be the perfect girlfriend who is funny and flawless, when really, I am a mess.

"College reps are really going to be there?" I asked extremely nervous.

"Yeah there's going to be a few representatives there." Tyler responded, tying is tie right next to me.

"What if I don't know what to say?" I asked blotting my lipstick with my finger.

"Just make small talk." Tyler said as if it was the easiest thing in the world for me.

"She hates small talk." Lucas said making us both turn around.

"How do you know that?" Tyler asked Lucas.

"How do you not?" Lucas asked smugly causing Tyler to look at me a little shocked.

"Doesn't everyone hate small talk?" I said, trying to play it off. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Okay, I'm just going to get my jacket and then we can go." Tyler ran upstairs and I made my way over to Lucas and hit him right in the stomach.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

"What I thought he should know? I do." He said, laughing slightly.

"How?" I asked.

"I know everything about you Riley." He answered.

"Am I that transparent?" I responded sarcastically, I sighed and looked at the floor, smoothing down the little black slip dress I had bought for this occasion.

"Stop." Lucas said, turning me around to face the mirror, his chin hovering above my shoulder. "Please relax, I could choke on the amount of stress you are radiating." I sighed again and tried to relax, breathing a little bit deeper.

"I just hope tonight goes well, he's so happy." I whispered.

"Stop worrying." Lucas replied. "You look beautiful." I turned around to face him and shook my head slightly. Luckily, Tyler returned before anything else was said.

"Let's go." We hopped in the car and began our drive to city hall- it wasn't that far away, twenty minutes or so.

"Thank you for getting along with Luke, it means a lot." Tyler said.

"It's easier said than done." I retorted.

"Yeah I know." He laughed slightly. "But I appreciate it."

"I was wondering." I started. "If you could tell me why Lucas came home?"

"When are you going to let this go?" Tyler responded, getting irritated.

"I'm not. It's affected your parents, it's obviously affecting you, he's dating Ash Tyler, I don't want her to get hurt." I explained.

"He was kicked out but that's all I'm saying." He revealed. Lucas was kicked out? I have so many questions.

"What for?" I asked further.

"For fucks sake Riley stop asking questions." Tyler spat at me.

"Ty, talk to me!" I yelled.

"Riley, it's none of your goddamn business." I had never heard Tyler speak like that to me before.

"You're my boyfriend, Ash is my best friend so yeah, that makes it my business!" I fought. "Just tell me what happened, I can help."

"Just drop it really, you can't fix everything so stop trying. Luke fucked up and that's his problem. It's none of your business or Ashley's so please just fucking deal with it and leave it alone." I sat back in absolute shock, Tyler never rose his voice or spoke like that to anyone, let alone me. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and look out at the road with blurry eyes.

"Okay." I croaked out.

We didn't talk again after that. Tyler accepted his reward and I made small talk with the college reps, much to my disgust. I played the perfect girlfriend for everyone that was watching, I held onto his arm and clapped proudly when he was called on stage. When we got back to his house, we went up into his room and got changed for bed. I took off all my makeup and slipped on one of his t-shirts. I still couldn't sleep thought. Sighing, I stepped out of bed and tip-toed down the stairs and into the garden, tears rolling down my face as quickly as I wiped them away.

Fighting with Tyler made me feel sick to my stomach, I hate it. We don't fight a lot and when we do its small things, he has never raised his voice like that and he has never been so damn harsh. I felt like a child as soon as he said it, like he was the angry parent scolding me.

"Are you okay?" I knew exactly who it was, it's like he has a fucking radar for this shit.

"I'm fine." I sniffed, rubbing my face slightly.

"You don't look fine," Lucas sat down in front of me, "What happened?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Riley. What. Happened."

"It was just a little fight, no big deal." I explained. "I don't think I've ever heard him be so... angry."

"You asked about me, didn't you?" Lucas asked with a smirk on his face.

"How did you-"

"I know everything Riley." There was this huge smirk on his face that made me want to slap him.

"So, you keep saying." I bit my lip and brought my knees closer to my chest.

"I'm sure you and my dorky little brother will make up in no time. Try not to think about it too much, he doesn't know women like I do." He winked causing me to giggle a little.

"Feel better?" Lucas asked.

"A little." I said.

"Good, that means my work here is done." He stood up and started to make his way back into the house.

"Lucas?" He turned around. "Thank you." With that, he smiled and walked back into the house, leaving me staring at the stars.


Another update, wow.

I know these are kind of short but it's just the I've planned it.


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