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"Get up." Holden said throwing a pillow at me and laughing. I groaned and attempted to throw it back, but I by the giggle he let out I obviously missed. I pried my eyes open to look at the clock- it was four in the afternoon.

"I'm up." I moaned. I still had my makeup and clothes on from last night. Learning from my mistakes, I had texted my parents to let them know that I was spending the night at Holden's. I don't know why they are letting me do this without lectures or punishments, I think they feel like I have to spiral in order to bring myself back up.

In all honesty, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

"You are going to go home and get changed and then you are coming grocery shopping with me." Holden stated.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because, I think some mundane normalness will be good for you." I looked at him like he had three heads. "Besides, you drank all my alcohol so you can come and get some more."

I huffed at him and then gathered my things together, following out of the apartment and down to his car. It didn't take long to get home, I ran upstairs and shouted that I was going grocery shopping with Holden. No one answered so I don't think anyone is home.

I wiped my face free of makeup and then slipped on some comfy clothes. Once done, I met Holden back outside- we climbed back into the car and made our way into town.

The bright lights in the store burned my eyes and gave me a searing headache. I sluggishly pushed the cart forward, trying to follow Holden but everything hurt, everything burned.

"Are you okay?" Holden asked, I nodded my head and continued to follow him throughout the store-praying that I wouldn't bump into someone I knew. I caught my reflection in one of the windows and I barely recognised the person.

I looked pale and tired, like I hadn't slept in days.

After what seemed like a lifetime, we had finally finished. Holden payed for the items and we bagged everything up, ready to go. We walked through the town and found a café to sit down in, the bags of food poked at me feet as I sipped my coffee.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" He asked.

"I don't remember." I lied.

"Yes, you do." He countered.

"Then I don't want to talk about it." I retorted, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Maybe you need to. I don't know whether I can watch you spiral like this for much longer." He sounded stern, like a parent.

"My parents don't care, why do you?" I asked.

"They do care about you, they just don't want to lose you." I sighed and took another sip of my warm drink.

"I made out with someone." I mumbled. "But what's the big deal, right?"

"It's not a big deal." Holden comforted.

"They why do I feel so guilty?" I asked, I feel like crap and I have no idea why.

"I think you know why." He said. "You just don't want to admit it." I shook my head in response and muttered something about not knowing what he was talking about. We both finished our drinks and food and then picked everything up, ready to go home. I stood up from my seat and nearly fell into a stranger, but it wasn't a stranger.

I peered up to see who and was met by my ex-boyfriend. Tyler. My breath caught in my throat and I felt like I was about to choke. I visually tensed and waited for any of them to speak.

"Hi." Ashley said behind him, there were a few other people from school that I recognised.

"Hey." I squeaked out, I saw Holden nod towards them out of the corner of my eye.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Because you look like shit." Tyler added. "I suppose that's what you get for being a cheating whore." I would have been taken aback by his words but I honestly deserved it.

"Where is Luke?" One of their new friends asked.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" I sassed, they all scoffed in response.

"Prescott was right, you are a bitch." Someone said.

"Who cares what Joe Prescott thinks?" I asked back, I don't know how I have stood here for so long.

"Oh my god, she doesn't know." Tyler laughed, almost mockingly. "How the tables have turned."

"Joe Prescott is the one who posted your little scandal all around school." I should've know it was one of Sam's goons, they've wanted to get Lucas back for all the times he won and now I guess they finally have.

"Let's go." I muttered to Holden, not wanting to stand with them any longer.

"You're a fucking coward." Ashley spat as we made our way past them.

"And you're not?" Holden snapped, I turned around in shock- everyone else's faces mirroring my own. "Aren't you a coward for not letting her explain?"

Ashley stood there speechless, as did Tyler- this was a knew one for Holden, he was never the angry type.

"Why wont you let her explain? You scared she's going to tell you something you don't want to hear? Or maybe you're afraid to see the truth." Holden fought.

"And what's that?" Tyler retorted.

"That you pushed her away a long time ago."

"Holden that's enough," I shouted, dragging him away from the scene, "Don't defend me."

"Why not?" He questioned.

"I deserve everything they say and more, don't defend me." I repeated.

"I can't just stand there and listen to them talk shit about you." He fought back.

"I deserve it." I repeated myself, yet again. Holden huffed in response and started walking back to the car, I followed in pursuit.

We loaded the car with all the food and got back in, after a few minutes of sitting in silence I finally spoke.

"Don't tell Luke about Prescott." I said.

"Why not?" Holden huffed, obviously frustrated that I am asking him to withhold important information from his best friend.

"Because I'm scared of what he'll do, I want to be the one to tell him who ruined our lives."


So here is another chapter. Originally, I was going to post this on new year's eve but I couldn't get it done in time. I wish everyone an amazing new year. Hopefully there will be more chapters to come over the next couple of days.


p.s let me know what you think of this.


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