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Back to school and it feels like we never left, like we never went on a break and that’s exhausting to think. I walked through the halls to my next lesson, I sighed as I entered and placed my latest assignment on the teacher’s desk before finding my seat. I tapped my pen against my notebook as I waited for the class to start. My phone buzzed in my bag so I took it out and carefully looked at it underneath the table.

From: Lucas

Meet me after the movie tonight?

I sighed and locked my phone putting it back into my bag, should I meet him again tonight? It has been a few days since the night he whisked me away and I was wondering when he would contact me next. The message didn’t have to mean anything in a romantic way, we were becoming friends I think and that’s a good thing- it’s too exhausting fighting with him all the time.

The class dragged on as classes do and when the bell rang I was finally free, I made my way into the cafeteria to get some lunch and find my friends. When I entered I noticed the whispering and the staring and immediately thought everyone knew what had happened between Lucas and I- we were in public after all and anyone could have seen us. Shit! How could we have been so reckless.

I sat down, hesitantly next to Ashley who seemed happy as normal. She was talking to Tyler about something that I couldn’t hear. I tapped her on the shoulder to gain her attention.

“Why is everyone staring and whispering?” I asked.

“They know.” Tyler responded.

“Know what?” Panic. I was flooded with panic.

“About Lucas and I sleeping together in the cabin.” I nearly screamed with happiness; my dirty little secret remains.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Someone found out about their sex life and has decided to spread it around the school.” Tyler explained.

“What the fuck?” I sounded. Are people really that pathetic that they will spread around someone’s private life to make themselves feel superior- that’s fucked up. I scoffed and turned back to my pork sandwich, taking a bit and glancing around to all the whispering students in the cafeteria. I stopped when two girls approached the table- they must have been freshman, they looked quite young.

“Hey Ash, is he as fast in bed as he is on the track?” They asked giggling.

“Let’s see how fast you are, fuck off.” I snapped. The girls giggled again and walked away going back to their other friends across the room. Just when I thought we were alone Sam, Michael and Joe waltzed up to our table like they were god’s gift.

“Luke’s got it all on his side, the bitch, the brother and the race skank.” Sam said pointing to each of us.

“What do you want Sam?” I asked knowing that he never starts up a conversation with us without a catch.

“I just wanted to talk to the race skank.” He said using that term and making my blood boil. “Ash, how was he really?” Ashley didn’t answer thank god but I was beginning to get pissed off.

“And what about you?” He continued, “Did little miss good girl play nice or did she bring her nasty side?” He laughed.

“As if you need to ask.” Joe smirked.
“Oh yeah, we’ve got all the details right here.” He said pointing to the text on his phone, that must be how the rumour started, someone group texted a shit tonne of people who sent it to everyone else. “You’re one dirty little girl Ashley.”

“That’s enough.” I said, pushing Sam away from the table.

“Did I hit a nerve?” He smirked.

“Get out of here before I hit you.” I warned getting angrier by the minute- I am so sick of this bullshit between Sam and Lucas, why can’t Sam just settle it with him, why does he have to come and harass the people I love and care about.

“You won’t do shit sweetheart.” Sam said, seeming so sure of himself.

“Is that right?” I asked.

“Yeah, you’re weak, just like your boyfriend and just like Luke.” I’d had it. I clenched my fist and swung it to meet Sam’s face. Making him stumble back in shock, holding his cheek- he stood back up straight with the help of his two friends and brought the back of his hand up to wipe the blood away from the corner of his mouth. A couple of teachers had joined us, standing in between us so neither could do anything.

“You should think twice before messing with someone I care about.” I spat. “Leave Ash and Tyler alone.” I made sure everyone had heard what I had said, right before I was asked to go to the principal’s office. I sat in silence and waited for my punishment- a week detention only because this was my first time getting into a fight. I thanked the principal and walked out of the room, I had spent the rest of the afternoon waiting to get seen and now it was the end of school. The school was empty, thankfully. I walked out of the building and saw Ashley on the steps. She turned and ran towards me giving me a hug.

“Why the hell did you do that?” She asked all frantic and panicked.

“I was defending you, it’s what best friends do.” I stated.

“I didn’t need you to.” She fought, I looked at her confused.

“Did you think I was going to let people say those things about you, talk about your private life like it was as normal as the weather.”

“I don’t mind.” She responded.

“Don’t mind?” I questioned and then it dawned on me, there could only be one reason why she was panicking like this- if her plan had backfired.

“You leaked your own sex life, didn’t you?” I asked, she was silent giving me the answer I was expecting.

“Why the hell would you do that?” I inquired.

“So, everyone knows he is taken.” Ashley stated.

“You’re insane.” I retorted. “There are other ways to do that Ash, this is the extreme of the extreme- I sprained my damn hand and have earned myself a week of detention defending your honour and you’re telling me it was so the school would know that you are with Luke.” I was angry, she watched me snap at those girls and confront Sam, not once did she stop me and that hurt, almost as much as my hand.

“I’m sorry.” She said but she didn’t look sorry. I sighed rubbed my temple with my good hand. “I should go, I’ve got to be at work.”

“I’ll see you at the boy’s house later?” She asked, looking a little hopeful. I muttered a quick response and made my way out of the school’s premises, walking to work.

Thankfully I didn’t get asked many questions at work- some people already knew since they went to our school so I’m guessing they filled in my other colleagues. After my shift was done I took the bus to Tyler’s house; we were all meeting there for a movie night. I knocked on the door and was met with Ashley’s face, I smiled at her but didn’t say anything as I walked in and joined them all eating pizza in the kitchen.

Tyler bought my bandaged hand up to his mouth and kissed it, I smiled and pulled my hand away, walking over to the first aid kit and pulling out a couple of pain killers. I swallowed them and turned back to my friends.

“Does it hurt a lot?” Ashley asked.

“Yup.” I replied bluntly, taking a bottle of water out of the fridge and opening it with only a little bit of difficulty.

“I should have been the one to punch him, not you.” Tyler said, taking my hand again and caressing it with his thumb.

“I’m fine.” I snatched my hand back, again. I saw the two looks of pity and sorrow I was getting and decided to go to the bathroom, even if I didn’t need it, I needed to get away from those looks.

Before I could even reach the bathroom though I was pulled into Lucas’ room. At this point I wasn’t even shocked, this happened more times than not.

“What the hell were you thinking?” He asked, half yelling, half trying to keep his voice down so he didn’t alert the others.

“I was thinking, wow Sam is an asshole.” I retorted.

“So, you thought punching him was the right thing to do?” His voice was getting louder.

“I defended your girlfriend Luke I thought you would be happy.” I spat almost like a reminder that Ashley is his girlfriend, I am not.

“How am I supposed to be happy when you go around getting yourself into trouble, first you got blackout drunk at the party, then you got lost in the woods and now you’ve sprained your fucking hand punching some kid at school.” Lucas was pissed.

“I can take care of myself Luke.” I replied.

“No, you can’t! Look at you, you’re a fucking mess.” It didn’t sting, didn’t even hurt. It was almost like I was numb to anything he could say to me. I just looked back at him, thinking back to the night he took me out, how kind he was and how gentle, the complete opposite the man in front of me right now.

“Do you even know why I was defending your girlfriend?” I asked.

“Yeah she told me there have been some rumours going around.” I scoffed.

“Did she tell you that she is the one who was spreading the rumours?” Lucas looked a little taken aback. “Yeah it’s her twisted way of letting everyone know that you are off the market. Her claim on you.” I didn’t care if I was being cold, I was tired and sick of the lies- even if I was the centre of most of them. My lies didn’t hurt people- they prevented that but Ashley’s lie had gotten me hurt and I was pissed.

“What’s going on with you?” Lucas asked. I scoffed again and shook my head.

“Bye Lucas.” I said, opening the door and walking out the room; I wasn’t going to answer any of his stupid questions. I shouldn’t be the one being interrogated, I walked back down stairs and told Tyler and Ashley that I was going home. Fortunately, they didn’t object and I left without another word. Deciding to walk home to calm myself down, when I finally made it home I plugged in my phone to charge; it had died as soon as I had left Tyler’s house. I took a shower and then got ready for bed, climbing in and turning my light off.

I lay there awake, unable to sleep and as if he sensed it, my phone lit up my room with a text message from the man himself.

From: Lucas

Sorry x

I sighed and sat up, typing back a quick response.

To: Lucas

I know x

I switched my phone off so that I wouldn’t be disturbed and went back to staring at the ceiling, still unable to sleep.

Hope you liked it, thanks for reading.

Sorry for the lack in uploads. College is killing me.


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