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For some unusual reason the school seemed noisier than usual, it seemed like everyone had something to say. I just shook my head and ignored everyone as I walked down the hallways to my locker, turning my music up to drown out the talking. I picked up my books for the first few periods and then made my way to my classes. 

By lunch, everyone had quietened down a little- but not enough. I hadn't seen any of my friends to ask them about it so I decided to ask them at lunch. 

I sat down next to Ashley and pulled out my food, I took a sip from my water bottle before turning to her. "What's up with everyone?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Tyler responded sitting down. 

"Know what?" I questioned further, they seemed to look at each other with a face that said 'Here we go again'. Before they had a chance to speak I tuned into the boys talking behind me. 

"He's racing again?" I turned to Tyler, trying to keep my calm.

"Yeah, how didn't you already know?" He replied.

"I've been busy." I answered, giving him a small smile. "When is it?" 

"About a week." Ashley says. 

"Why is he doing this again?" I sighed, "It's not safe." 

"I don't know, but he's seems happy when he's racing." I nodded my head, to them I appear calm but on the inside, I am burning. Why is he doing this again? After all the fights and what happened last time I thought he would've finished, obviously not. 

"Please don't lecture him like you always do, it's kind of a downer." Ashley said. I bit my tongue as if I had responded I would have started another argument I don't want to get into right now. Instead I just smiled at her and ate my lunch, making small talk. Once I had left them I took out my phone typed a quick message. 

To Lucas:

Are you fucking kidding me? 

He should know what that means. 

I finished school, ignoring all the gossip and made my way to work, where Josh decided to talk my ear off about Lucas and his next race which wasn't exactly helping relax. 

"You're like his groupie." I mumbled, giving someone their receipt. Josh laughed in response and leaned on the counter behind us. "Do you want me to get his autograph for you?" I joked. 

"Why don't I just ask him now?" He said, I looked at him confused before turning my head and seeing Lucas walk through the door of our little book store. I tried my best not to glare at him as he sauntered up to the counter.

"Can you show me where all the classics are, please?" Lucas asked, I knew that was code for 'We need to talk', I fake-smiled at him and came out from behind the counter. I started walking over to where we keep all the classic books, when suddenly he pulled him into the closet, again. 

"Why aren't you answering my messages?" He whispered, harshly.

"I was busy." I lied.

"No, you weren't." He said.

"Fine, maybe I didn't feel like responding." I admitted, I didn't- I saw how he had replied to my little text message and decided I couldn't be bothered for his bullshit. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?" 

"How did you find out?" 

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, "Everyone at school is talking about it, they knew before you had even decided to race Luke, that's how our generation works." 

"I know you're pissed-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Of course, I'm pissed, you're either going to end up in jail or hospital. I'm not like Tyler and Ashley- I can't support you through something that could possible ruin your life." I spat. 

"You don't get to decided what I can and can't do Riley!" He shouted, the closet seemed so much smaller now we were both angry. Before I could respond, I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and opened it- to reveal my boss. 

"Can I see you in my office?" She said, I nodded and followed her through the shop and into her office. Lucas and I stood there, as we did before, looking incredibly sheepish. 

"I've spoken to you once before about this." She said, I tried to make eye contact with her but I was too embarrassed so I just looked at wall behind her.

"I'm really sorry." I grovelled.

"I know but, this won't go without punishment." She said, I held my breath waiting for my impending doom. "I'm giving you two weeks suspension, commencing right now." 

I nodded and left the room, Lucas following behind me, I went a collected all my things and said goodbye to Josh, since I wouldn't be seeing him for a couple of weeks. Lucas and I walked outside, he made his way over to his car and opened the door for me, I climbed in, without a word. 

We pulled up to my house in complete silence- I had texted Tyler on the way saying I wouldn't need a ride home since I 'wasn't feeling well', which took care of it tonight. We sat in silence just staring at the house for a few minutes before I sighed and opened the door. 

"Riley." Lucas said, copying my actions. 

"I can't talk to you right now." I said, walking to my front door. 

"Why not?" He questioned. 

"Because I have to try and figure out how I am going to lie my way out of this one." I snapped, praying no one in the house heard me. It wasn't like I could just tell them the truth, I needed to think of something. Respecting my request, Lucas turned away and got back into his car, speeding off the driveway. I leaned against the door, not wanting to go in and fought back the tears. 

I'm in so much trouble.



Thanks for reading, 

Just in case you didn't get the notification. I was looking through my notes on this book and have decided to do a sequel- maybe even a trilogy. If that's something you would be interesting in please let me know. I really enjoy writing this book, it's a lot more enjoyable to create. 

Thanks so much for all the love and support I have received, appreciate it so much. I have finished college for Christmas now so hopefully there will be a few more updates. Thanks so much.


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