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"This is going to be so much fun!" I couldn't help laughing as Angelica fixed her boobs in the dress as they kept fumbling out of her strapless bra.

"They're going to be so surprised!" Peggy giggled happily, slipping her shoes on and placing the tiara on her head.

"I can't wait to see their faces!" Angelica smiled and tied the sash around my waist.

We've been at Disneyland since yesterday, though we spent the last day exploring and taking pictures with people. Today there was going to be a Princess Parade so my sisters and I decided to surprise everybody by playing 3 of the princesses in the play, Angelica as Tiana, Peggy as Jasmine, and myself as Mulan.

"Places! See you two when I see you!" Peggy kissed our cheeks and we returned the gesture before running to our individual floats.

I stood in the middle of the Mulan float and felt unbalanced for a moment as it began moving but soon caught myself. In front of my float was the Frozen one and behind me was the girl playing Merida riding a horse.I know Angelica's float is in front of me somewhere and Peggy's is behind me.


I pushed to the front of the crowd, dragging John with me by his hand so we could stand in the front and watch the parade. I couldn't see unless we were in the front because well, I'm short as hell, and John has been as excited as a dog is to go on a walk since he heard about this parade.

"I like Disney!" John said, his mickey mouse ears bouncing. We'd visited the gift shop yesterday and he was dead set on getting the headband with the mouse ears.

"Disney likes you too." I told him as we stood at the forefront, "Look! Here comes Sleeping Beauty!" Secretly I kind of hate her though but John loves them all and I don't want to ruin his fun so I'm going to pretend to be uber excited for all of them.

John waved excitedly at the princess, she didn't even glance at him, but that didn't seem to dismay him. He didn't drop his hand and cheered for them all, waving frantically at every passing person.

I watched John more than the parade until, "Is that Angie?!" I turned to see and yep, on the Princess and the Frog float stood Angelica in a ball dress. She grinned at us and blew a kiss.

I hugged John and whined, "Don't blow kisses at my boyfriend!" I yelled at her and she started laughing until she moved on with the float.

"Oh oh look!" He pointed at the next one, Cinderella. "A dream is a wish your heart makes!" Even when he isn't trying he sounds heavenly. Guess my wish came true, eh?

"Oh and leeEET IT GOOOO!" Goddammit John I hate that song. It's a good song, it's just overplayed. The Elsa waved at him though which made John more excited which I didn't think was at all possible.

I looked at the next one and I was shook, "John look!" I tapped his shoulder repeatedly and then pointed at Mulan, or should I say Eliza!

"Lizzyyyyy!" John started jumping and waving trying to get her attention, I joined him because he was so dead set on getting her to look over here..

She looked at us and mouthed 'hey!' but only waved all princess like in our direction. That's kind of like her though, isn't it? To be all princess like and to be very proper. At least I think that's what Eliza's like, a very proper and nice girl.

"Hey that horse has fur on it's foreleg!" John pointed at the horse Merida was riding. I looked and recognized it from somewhere, it was a breed.

I tried to think of the breed of horse until I finally remembered a website I once visited for Grant's Farm. "That's a Clydesdales horse." Also known as the beer horse but I didn't tell him that.

"So cute!" John held onto my hand and waved excitedly as Rapunzel rolled by. I like Rapunzel, the Tangled version is so creative, especially with the magical healing hair and I love the fact that she ends the movie with it shorter because all of the Disney princesses have long hair but she ends up with a pixie cut.

Finally, as I had begun to expect, a Schuyler sister, Peggy! I don't know why but it felt appropriate that Jasmine was Peggy.

She jumped up and down and pointed at us before waving excitedly and blowing multiple kissed, she was almost as excited as John...almost.

"God I'm gonna tease them for this until they die." He said and I chuckled.

"Me too, babe. Me too."

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now