Chapter VI ♕ Revelations

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Above is Sarina ♥ This chapter is very important, since this is where all the drama truly starts ☺

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"And step two three, waltz two three..." Madame clapped her hands to the waltz beat, watching Caleb and I practice the pas de deux. I had not yet had the time to speak to him. Nor Monday, nor Tuesday. I am hoping today would be different. When I turned up to practice, fifteen minutes early as I usually do, he was not here. He arrived in the nick of time, leaving no room for conversation. He was probably avoiding me, and I was sure that was what he was doing. Our duet felt so robotic, no emotions attached. He dared not look at my face and I felt bad, truly bad.

This was all my fault.

I knew how much he loved his photography and for me to go and insult it like that must have really hurt him. I really needed to apologize.

We danced to the waltz, the other girls surrounding around us in a circle as it came to the group part of the dance. It seems that Madame had always had the dance choreographed, and only needed the dancers. In only two weeks with nonstop lessons, she taught us her choreography. It was lovely.

"Caleb?" I whispered through the dance, preparing to do a dip. As he dipped me, his eyes met with mine.

"What?" he whispered almost nastily, but I shook it off.

"I'm really sorry," I told with all honestly, my body pulled up again. Our chests were touching, his one arm around my waist. He cast me a sad smile, pushing me into a pirouette.

"It's in the past," he responded, placing me down onto my pointes before assisting me into a penché.

"Really? Are you sure?" I replied back as I came up, preparing for a lift. He smiled at me with what I hope was sincerity.

"Absolutely," he lifted me into the air, which in itself was a frightening thing. I had to place all my trust in him. Throwing me into the sky, he caught me swiftly as I came down and placed me back on my feet. I twirled around his body before coming to a stop right in front of him. I took a hold of his hands, staring straight into his eyes. I could not see any lies come to the surface.

We finished the dance with unpolished grace, our technique lacking but given time the group could be splendid. Or at least, that was Madame's hope of us.

After a few more run-throughs of the dance, everyone was dead tired by the time we were finished with the class. Madame has been treating us like slaves to her work of art; her fiction come to life. And my muscles did not like it.

"Let's go," Caleb told me at the end, which came as a surprise because I would not have thought that he would want to spent time with me. Nevertheless, I did not complain. The ride to his place showed that it was almost as if nothing had changed. We joked, we laughed, and we had fun. Nothing revealed to me that he was upset, even if I felt like he should be. It was a bit strange.

Inside I was sceptical. It could not have been that easy, could it? But at the same time I really did not care. Caleb was the one for me, so of course we would be able to make up so quickly. We understood each other. He knew I was upset and I knew he was upset and we just went a little too far. We handled our first fight successfully, I would say. I just hope all of our future fights could also be fixed as easily.

On the way to his house we had stopped at a market where he got a few groceries. I have no idea what he got since he came back with everything in bags but frankly, I was overjoyed. I was so worried that I would lose Caleb. He was the biggest support in my life and I would not be able to bear it without him.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang