Chapter XVIII ♕ Connections

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Above is the El Escorial ♥

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The Royal Palace was huge. I couldn't tell if it was bigger than ours but it certainly did look completely different. Ours was on top of a hill and had luxurious gardens surrounding it but here the palace was completely white and the courtyard was made of concrete. There was no gardens which was a little upsetting until I entered the palace. While ours was more modernized and full of royal colours, this palace looked like the biggest splash of colours and pattern I have ever seen. It was like the most expensive baroque rug was taken and used as wallpaper. The throne room itself had golden statues of lions, which didn't make sense to me. Spain had no lions.

The maids and butlers were so pleasant, even if I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. Alejandro translated most of what everyone told me, but I didn't necessarily get into any conversations except with him so it was mostly okay. Besides I knew the basics of the language and it wasn't as if I was going to get into 'what is the meaning of life?' conversations with any Spanish people.

Except Alejandro. We had a debate about the human race's purpose and whether or not we were better at construction or destruction. In our fit of agreeing and disagreeing we both realized that we were fluent in French and thus we began to mix our languages so bad that if one of our parents caught wind of it, they would be disappointed. Being bilingual was fantastic, but being that way with someone else was even better.

"Sum up the human race in three words," we were now in the palace's dining room, happily eating at the palace food. After getting comfortable with the place and meeting the staff, I no longer felt the need to fuss over my food.

"Stupid. Advancing. Supressing," he answered my question, face contorted in though.

"That's sombre," I commented with a shake of my head.

"Eh. True though," he shrugged his shoulders before thinking. "Alright. Do you think reality is what we can see or what we are able to see? Like is our mind's tricking us to see something or conceiving ideas that aren't true and that there are people who are able to see the true world but they are the people we perceive to be mentally ill because they are the minority?" he's been throwing questions like this at me for the entirety of the day and each time my mind gets frozen. I had never thought of things like this.

"Bloody hell," was my response which he laughed hysterically at. "What?"

"Sorry. You have the most British responses I have ever heard," he commented.

"Born and raised," I shrugged, feasting on the Spanish cuisine. It was delightful.

"If I'm correct then you have siblings?"

"Two brothers. Their twins and absolutely infuriating. They create the craziest schemes and I usually have to clean up their mess," I groaned.

"I wish I had siblings, but my birth was heavy on my mother and she couldn't conceive after it. I'm the miracle heir, my father calls it," he said calmly, as if he accepted that part of his life. Which meant that he wasn't looking for pity or sympathy.

"My parents aimed for two children," I explained and he laughed amusingly.

"But ended with three. That must've been shocking, but difficult on the royal line." I nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah. With the twins is Cornelius the second heir and Bartholomew the third, but when you look at their personalities it would've been better if they were swapped. It really is that split second of destiny," I had learned that Alejandro was crowned prince when he was only ten years old, carrying the burden of that profession for so long it was integrated into his very soul. He didn't have a childhood like I had, but of course he was much more knowledgeable because of it. I wasn't very wise, but he was a genius.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Where stories live. Discover now