Chapter XXVI ♕ Salute

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"Melanie, wake up. It's time to face the day," soft familiar cooing awoke me from my slumber. In my daze of sleepiness, I figured it was my mother. It did confuse me at first, after all, why would my mother bother? She usually sent in my handmaiden to wake me up, regardless if it was a special occasion or not.

But then I hazily opened my eyes to regard the scenario around me, and after spotting the gentle violet colour, I realized that it wasn't my mother. I quickly forced myself into a sitting position, my eyes crossing vision until I received clear sight. Sarina sat at my bedside in a nice white dress, shooting me a large smile. I blinked in confusion, shaking my head until I was a little more awake.

"Sarina? What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice still a bit sleepy.

"I'm here to celebrate your birthday, silly," she said with a little giggle, reaching over to move some caramel strands away from my eyes. I frowned slightly.

"What? What time is it?" I looked away from her to the bedside clock, and was surprised for it to read 5:48 AM. "Bloody hell, Sarina. Don't you think this is too early?" I looked back at her with wide, questioning eyes. She smiled gently in response.

"It is never too early to start preparing for your birthday. I mean, I went to all of the trouble of bribing your handmaiden to let me to help you today," I adjusted my seating position, finally feeling like a more awake human being.

"You did what?" she shrugged her shoulders casually.

"Yeah. Also, your brothers found out for me but it turns out you were born at about twenty past eight at night, so until then, you are still seventeen in my eyes," she casually flicked my nose, causing me to groan a little.

"Then why am I awake so early?" Sarina only chuckled in response, shaking her head. She climbed off my bed and moved towards my closet, a little sway in her hips.

"Breakfast is at eight, so I have two hours to pamper you to perfection!" I sighed deeply, shaking my head but inevitably swung my lungs over to the floor and stood up. "Now, what to wear..." Sarina debated, regarding everything in the walking closet. Meanwhile I headed into my private bathroom where I quickly brushed my hair into a more tameable position to work with before joining her side.

"How'd you even get in here?" I questioned Sarina once she was in my sight again. She hummed in thought for a second.

"Your brothers really do care for you, you know? Also, I've been here quite a few times before so they let me in at the entrance," my eyes widened at this.

"Really?" I asked in surprise. She nodded in response.

"They called me the 'Friend of the Crown' which is kind of cool. I have a title," she turned towards me with a large smile, her teeth glittering. When had she been given a title? Was it per request of my brother? Did this happen when I was in Spain? Most likely. "I think that you would look good in blue," Sarina commented, holding out a navy blue dress. She headed to my body and held it against my figure, inspecting it against my skin tone.

"And the verdict?"

"Ah, oui, oui, mademoiselle," she responded, walking past me to place the dress on the bed. "I think it will be perfect!"

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After a relaxing bath, a foot massage and the longest hairstyling I had ever been a part of, Sarina decided that I looked presentable. She designed her own hair into something beautiful, the violet colours fitting perfect with the simple white dress she wore. She used some of my heels, not possessing such things herself. By the time breakfast swung around, we both were looking pretty good. Sarina looked angelic, but I wouldn't dare admit it out loud.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Where stories live. Discover now