set it free

112 16 8

brush strokes

from the sky


passing by

as droplets of rain

pour over me

coating my sight

with its mist ever so hazy

curling my hands

into fists

i started counting

one to three in a hiss

thinking, thoughts floating

i'm so mad at everyone

and everything

and me most especially

for having these things going on my mind

splatter endlessly in this canvas

and clumsily

often appearing messy

mad, so mad while

red lines flash through

that i could feel the heat inside me

escape its cage and go fiery

and yet this fire building inside of me

isn't just anger burning trees

but deeper trapped, unfounded

at sea

shut up just stop

pause it from spinning

cut it out and make me

start a new beginning

let me start living

without the phantom lingering

through my mind, wrapping

their hands in a hush whispering

just for once

stop getting in the way

stop wanting

for me to stay

because these monsters

need to vacate

away from my head,

should place them back under our bed

don't want them

to enfold no more

get rid of them

before i throw my head back to the shore

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