bittersweet memories

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call me bitter, i like the word
there's nothing pleasing
inside this flesh and blood,
as you've heard.
it's true
and i hate chocolates
and cotton candies, as to say
because they're only sweet
until they melt
in between your teeth
their honey suckled flavors
doesn't stay inside your mouth
for too long
until you discovered
it's aftertaste,
only then swallowing
the sweetness
and then have it all erased.

it makes my teeth decayed,
my stomache to have me swayed.
the butterflies were once there
until i came to knew
the depth of what this butterflies bring
inside of me.
most of the times,
they only make me dizzy
and make things become all hazy
despite of being synonymous to happy
as it was before.
contrary to it's luring savors
and bountiful colors,
it also brings bad weather
like on a sunny summer
mixed with rain and thunder.

on the other hand,
again, call me bitter (i like the word)
do not ever sugar coat
your words
and have them all filtered
because i'm well aware
that it will only dissolve
into nothing
but air
you are grasping
that you once thought
will be something.
the saccharine sugary sweet taste only then chewed up,
flushed by water drank in a cup.

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