for you

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i can't make you songs
or compose them
i can't draw your portrait
or paint them
i can't even cook for you
because these are just
some of the things
i couldn't do

i can only write
and sometimes it sucks
because i want to do
something more
but i realized that
writing i suppose
is my something more

because writing is drawing pictures
and painting them on your heart
engraving, hanging
capturing moments
and transforming them into words
of constellations and galaxies
without faults and fallacies

i can only write you
my crappy poetry
on paper spilled coffee
opening the bottle up
is a bit hard for me
but i hope i feed you
with it's sincerity

i'm sorry if
it gets sappy sometimes
or cheesy
or hazy
or even silly
or whatever people hates poetry
likes to describe it

but it's the only thing
i could do, you see
to write
about you
for you
and only you
so you'd know you deserve the entire universe

really. i hope i make you smile
from the simplest of gifts that i could find

coffee stainsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat