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i hope days like this
wouldn't stop
once and for all.
i hope you'd stay by me
even through my downfall
i hope our shared laughters
would cover up all this void
and suffocations
even just for a while
and together we'd get lost
to the galaxies and beyond
searching, wondering, who we really are
and what lies
beneath our very star.

i hope our late night conversations
and mussings
and laughing
and silly faces on the screen smiling
won't go to any waste.

i hope you'll continue
to sing me songs
or let me listen
to the ones i haven't heard of,
that we'll both sing
on the top of our lungs
not caring
anyone at all and
only minding
the two of us
as we both fall

i also hope you'd never get tired
of the situation we are in
and how messy
and crappy
i could get
along with everything
that i hope you'd still stay
despite anything

life may throw us
into rock bottom
but i believe we'd manage
to get through this season of autumn
that one day it would be spring
and the flowers we planted for so long
would then bloom
into its wonderness
where the other seasons
once suppressed.

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