Chapter 5

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Clara's parents were ecstatic, she was not.

The Fethuerington household was abuzz with the wedding preparations. It was but a week away and Clara barely had time to breathe.

Lady Fethuerington did not have a seizure when she heard about the Duke's demand that he would marry her daughter in a week. But she did swoon, quite strategically on the sofa.

An entirely new wardrobe was ordered for Clara, she didn't really think she needed that though, her clothes were just fine. But when she voiced that thought out to her mother, she launched into a tirade on how Clara was to be a duchess and how those 'matronly' clothes simply wouldn't do.

During one of the fittings, she was handed an almost transparent piece of cloth that hardly covered anything. Clara tried it on thinking it was just a stylish chemise.

Little did she know that that was supposed to be a night gown, a part of her scandalous, French wedding trousseau.

She hardly spent time with Amelia and that troubled her. The last time Amelia had visited, it had seemed like she wanted to share something, but Clara had not been able to pay attention because of her own problems. She felt guilty. But she knew Amy would understand. They'd have a lot of time to correspond once she was married.

On the day of the wedding.

Clara couldn't believe what was before her. She was standing in front of the full length mirror in her dressing room wearing her wedding gown.

She actually looked beautiful.

Her French maid Rosalie was in tears.

"Tu es trop belle, mon cœur" she sobbed.

Clara hugged her, trying to comfort her.

Once Rosalie was done, she left her there alone to call for the Earl and Countess.

Clara turned to look at herself again. She wasn't so obsessed with herself normally, but she couldn't help it.

Her wedding gown was in ice blue, which was unconventional, considering how all brides were supposed to wear white. But this complimented her colouring more.

It was embroidered all over with white threads into intricate designs, making it appear almost white. The sleeves were short puffs of gauze. It was fitted at her chest and flowed loosely below. It exposed a large expanse of her chest, something Clara wasn't used to. But this was her day, she wouldn't let such things affect the confidence she felt. A blue satin ribbon was tied around the high waist of her gown. The bodice was trimmed in lace.

Her hair was wound up into tight coils pinned up at her head with a few tendrils caressing her cheeks. Rosalie had tucked in little lilies in her coiffure and dabbed a little rouge on her lips, completing the look.

She wasn't wearing much jewellery. She only wore her engagement ring, a diamond bracelet and her grandmother's chain.

She looked decent on the outside, but she was dressed very naughtily on the inside. She wore scandalous silk drawers and a lacy corset. She thought about how she'd react if the Duke saw her in those.

She would surely die of embarrassment.

But she was secretly curious to see if he would like it on her. The thought made her blush.

She had to stop thinking about her wedding night. Amidst all the wedding preparations, Clara had completely forgotten about it. But last night, her mother had come to her room to share a few words of wisdom regarding the marriage bed making it nigh impossible for her to sleep at night.

Clara knew enough about the particulars of the marriage bed. When they were seventeen, Amelia had somehow forced one of her maids to tell her everything and then shared it with Clara. After that, they'd spent many a nights hidden in the library, reading scandalous poetry.

Clara smiled at the memory.

Her parents walked in and caught her smiling.

"It's good to see you happy, my love" her father said.

Just like Rosalie, her mother was also a sobbing mess.

"You do know that I love you, do you not?" Her mother asked her as she embraced her.

"Yes, mother. I know you do," Clara reassured her.

The three of them turned when they heard Adonis whining. He was stuck in the gap between the partially open door and the frame.

So Adonis was freed and they left for the church.

At the church.

Leo was beyond nervous. What if she didn't turn up?

No, Clara wouldn't do that to him.

And then she entered the church on her father's arm. Adonis waddling behind her with her trail in his mouth.

For a man who was known to be coldhearted, Leo was being very absurd. When he saw his bride, he actually felt something. It was this inexplicable pull.

It was not just desire, it was pure need. He wanted to pull her to him and ravish her.

He couldn't explain what he felt, he knew he was relieved. But what else? Well, he'd dwell on that later because his bride was before him, smiling showing her perfect teeth, her perfect face lighting up with joy.

That's when he realised that he was smiling too. It wasn't the sarcastic half smile he usually had on his face. He was actually grinning, fancy that.

Clara was still a little confused about her marriage. But when she saw the Duke smiling at her as she made her way to the vestibule, she felt truly happy for the first time in days.

They stood hand in hand as the minister began his droning.

When it was time to kiss the bride, Leo brushed his lips chastely across hers.

Clara wanted to smack him. He was so passionate when they were in private, but in public where the entire ton was waiting to see the evidence of his desire, he acted like he was not interested in kissing her.

She knew it was juvenile, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to feel desired and loved.

On the outside, she looked composed and had a serene smile on her face. But on the inside, she'd already stabbed him a hundred times and wished him to Hades.

They were only just married and his ardour had already cooled. Huh.

She tried not to dwell on the fact that he'd only married her for his ward. It was too depressing.

Leo wanted nothing more than to ravish his new bride, but his desire was not meant to be seen by her parents and the entire ton.

It would have to wait until tonight.

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