4. Aurora

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Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
—Neil Gaiman, Coraline.

Epic Summer To Do List B4 I Turn Eighteen:#4: Tell Aakriti to go suck a flaccid dick

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Epic Summer To Do List B4 I Turn Eighteen:
#4: Tell Aakriti to go suck a flaccid dick.

"Oh my fuck, Reyna," I say into my phone as I sit in my car, looking up at the imposing building in front of me. "I'm about to do it. I'm about to fucking do it and I feel like throwing up, help meeeeee."

"You can do it Lettie," she murmurs. "Do it like fucking Nike."

"Adidas over Nike everyday," I counter as I swallow audibly. "Oh my fuck Reyna. I'm still wondering if I was high when I compiled this shitty bucket list. Like why the hell did I even add this to the list?"

"Because you probably were high," Reyna says and I can practically hear her roll her eyes. "And it's too late for you to turn back. You aren't going to edit that list again. Now grow some boobs, march in there and give it to that bitch."

I bite my lip to keep a burst of laughter at bay. "I should give her my boobs?"

"Girl, shut up," Reyna laughs. "I'm at the library. I'm not in the best place to listen to your stupid replies."

I chuckle as I finally wretch the car door open, narrowly avoiding hitting a little boy in the face. He sends me a far from innocent glare. I bare my teeth at him like a savage. He whimpers and runs away. I smirk. "What a book worm. Fine fine, I'm getting out of the car now. I'm going to give her a piece of my mind."

"Yessssss, you do that," she says. "Tell me how it goes?"

"I'll probably record it and send it to you," I admit and I get the satisfaction of hearing her laugh again. "Wish me luck Rey."

"Always," she replies and I hear the smile in her voice.

I swallow before cutting the call.

Reyna may be my step sister but she's the best friend I never imagined I'd want. Who cares if her mother hates my guts and if Father hates Reyna's guts? Who cares if Reyna's mother and Father had a divorce about a year ago but Reyna and I are still talking to each other because that's what friends who are really determined do?

She's studying Architecture in New York and I'm here in L.A screwing around. We're more than two thousand miles away and yet, even as I'm walking towards the building, I feel like she's just right beside me, giving me extreme moral support for what I'm about to do.

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