Part 7: They Didn't Get Their Happily Ever After

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And everyone lived happily, though maybe not completely honestly, ever after. The End.
—Jon Scieszka, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales.

—Jon Scieszka, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales

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"Wait, wait," Ian chuckles lightly, disbelief coating the sound. "You want to spend the whole day with me, good and fine. But you also want to spend the night at my place? Why?"

Because I think if I don't break up with you now, then I'll never be able to because I think I'm starting to fall in love with you and that could be a bit fatal for my heart but we were never meant to work out anyway and I just want to spend one more night with you because I'm selfish that way and I've said 'because' too many times already, I think?

I swallow inaudibly and shrug as I kick my legs out like a giddy kindergartener. I'm sitting on the infamous counter of The Canvas and it's thankfully high enough for my feet to dangle in the air. "Because you're my boyfriend and I want to spend some quality time with you," I say instead.

Again, Ian chuckles but now it sounds wary. "And your dad is okay with this?"

A frown involuntarily finds its way to my face and I crane my head over my shoulder to give him a blank look. "Does he have to?"

Ian smiles slowly. "Okay, fine," he stands. "Business is slow today so I guess I'll lock up and then we go back to my place and act like we're irrevocably in love with each other."

I laugh at his words as he presses a quick kiss to my forehead before walking into the room located behind the counter. I take a deep breath as soon as the door shutters to a close behind him and face the glass doors.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to make sure that I have my fill of Ian today. My birthday is less than a week away which means my deadline is almost up. Picking a life of wealth and fame is much more sensible than staying with a guy that makes you smile, cry—feel a thousand other emotions all at once, right?

A light tap on my shoulder makes me jump and I quickly let my gaze focus on Ian, holding a backpack. I blink. "That was fast."

He shakes his head. "What were you thinking about?"

"How hot you are," the lie comes easily as I shrug lightly and jump off the counter. "And how lucky I am to have you. Because, you know; you're amazing."

"Cute," Ian drawls, raising one perfectly arched eyebrow in reply. "Seriously. You had this sad look on your face. Did something happen? Do I have to invest interest in getting myself a shot gun?"

I laugh at the tone of sincerity in his voice and quickly crane my neck to press a brief kiss to his lips. "Honestly, nothing. I promise."

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