Chapter 22. He knows

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Knightly's P.O.V

Today is Connor's birthday and were hoping and praying that he finds his mate tonight. Connor, Lilith and i woke up early to run together before school. That's been our tradition on birthdays since we lost our parents. We changed quickly and ran to the treeline followed by Lilith who also changed in to her small grey wolf.

Connor and i both took turns to play with Lilith. She kept yipping to show us how happy she was. The last thing we did was to go to the lake that isn't very far from the mansion. Connor and i both laid on the ground watching the ripples on the lake while Lilith ran around us following butterflies.

"Knigh, what if i don't find my mate?" asked Connor through our private mind link. I sighed and said "You'll always have us Con and your mate will find you no matter what". He first looked at Lilith and then at me "I really hope that my mate understands how close we are. What are you going to do about Micah. He's coming back today "

"I really don't know Con. I'm hoping to come up with something before i see him" Connor looked at me quizzically and asked " Aren't you forgetting that he's coming to my birthday party tonight?" Before i could answer him Lilith jumped on me nipping my ear. It was a sign that she wanted to play but it was already time to get back so Connor nipped her in her hind leg playfully.

I pushed her with my muzzle in the direction of the mansion and she took off running. Connor and i quickly ran after her to prevent her from getting distracted by small animals like rabbits and frogs. She's still a pup and pups like to chase things and play. 

The day went by quickly and it was already time for the party. I couldn't wait to see Micah. I haven't seen him for three days and Star was getting moody. I still can't forget how i reacted when i saw that girl kissing Micah on his cheek.

The only thing that i could come up with to defend my actions were that Star was acting up due to my birthday. Lisa and Lilith nodded in understanding while Connor chuckled next to me. I know i can't answer Micah's feelings but it still doesn't make any easier for me because i still want to see him and hear his beautiful voice.

It was already six o'clock and guests were starting to arrive. Everybody knew their orders and were on high alert. Most of the guests were from our neighbouring packs so they knew that Connor was going to try to find his mate tonight. The rest of the people were from our business associates who also belonged to the were community.

After welcoming the guests Connor, Lilith and i made our way back to our apartment because you have to be calm and collected to find your mate and to show Connor support Lilith and i went with him. We each made our way to our rooms to change and calm down. I was just done changing when Luke who was on guard duty at the front gate mind linked me that  humans were  at the gate.

"Alpha, there are humans at the gate what do you want us to do?" "Name" I asked him and he replied with "Micah Lockwood alpha". I shivered when i heard his name and Star purred in the back of my mind. "Let them through their friends" i ordered him. I cut off the mind link and contemplated about what to say to him when i see him.

"Knigh, i want to see him. Let's go to him" said Star suddenly. He probably couldn't take the waiting and wanted to see him as soon as possible. I was in the same state. "Star we can't go running and yipping to him because we're happy to see him. We're not a pup and he's not our mate" i scolded him. "You don't know that Knigh and don't do anything stupid tonight that will make us regret our action later". 

After a while i heard Jeremy ask me "Alpha Micah is here and he wants to see you or Connor. What do you want me to say to him?" Without thinking i said "Bring him to me" . I couldn't believe what i said. I was scolding Star just a moment ago and did the opposite when i heard he wanted to see me. I have to put a stop to this situation tonight.

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