Chapter 73. Proof of power

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Micah's P.O.V

I recognized Rhaegal Thorn the moment he walked into the room at the party. Saving the dragons was one of my first missions after giving birth to Kingsley. We were actually on another mission when my father mind linked us to say that four dragons were under attack of hunters. He told us that these dragons were so long in hiding that they were now afraid to shift into their true forms.

If they had lost the control of their powers when they shifted then they would have destroyed entire towns with their flames and there was one unspoken rule amongst us. No supernatural creature was allowed to kill humans because we couldn't cover their deaths. It broke my heart when i saw that the two adult dragons died while protecting their children and i couldn't help to knock a few of the hunters out with my power.

I walked to Rhaegal while my fellow angels erased the memories of the humans. The humans were going to be punished for what they did but it was God's job to do that not ours. I really wished i could make them pay for their crimes but just like how the werewolves were the moon goddesses beloved creatures so were the humans God's beloved creation.

I knelt down before Rhaegal and looked at his crying brother. It couldn't help to think of what would happen if this happened to me and that is why i promised Falkor that i would become the most powerful angel there was so i could protect everyone. I was happy that Rhaegal finally found his way to us so he can live freely from now on with his little brother.

I smiled to myself when i saw how their future will look like from now on and heard Knightly then suddenly ask me "What are you smiling about love?" We were currently lying in our bed and Ezekiel was clinging on to my chest while he was asleep. The children were all tired because of the party so Knightly and i decided that after putting the children to bed it was our time to go to bed too. "About Kingsley's mate" i said to Knightly while looking at him. Knightly chuckled and then replied to me with "Those two will have to figure out their differences by themselves love but i'm happy that Kingsley's mate is someone who can keep him grounded".

I carefully leaned over Knightly then kissed him softly on his lips. I heard Ezekiel immediately whimper and Knightly quickly placed a kiss on Ezekiel's head. "I wonder for how much longer he'll keep clinging on to you love. I'm afraid of what might happen when the little one is born because you'll have to focus more on him when he's born" said Knightly while caressing Ezekiel's back and i sighed.

"This little one will be just like Kingsley, Amell and Althea, Knigh. Before you'll know it he'll start walking and screaming just like them. So i'm happy that i have one pup like Ezekiel who can't stay without me" i said to Knightly while placing a kiss on Ezekiel's head. Knightly chuckled at me then said "I wonder how many more pups the moon goddess expects us to have love. I would like to have one more but i know that the pain is too much for you to bare".

I smiled to myself when i heard the moon goddesses voice through my head saying "I will need only one more pup who can protect my creations on my behalf Micah Silverstone-Lockwood". I looked into Knightly's direction when i heard that and saw him smile. Knightly then placed a kiss on my mark then said "Just one more to go then love". I replied with "Ugh" when i heard that and Knightly tried to hold his laughter in so he didn't disturb Ezekiel.

I closed my eyes after that and felt Knightly place a kiss on my cheek. "Good night love" whispered Knightly in my ear then turned around and fell asleep too. I had a bad dream about Amell while sleeping and quickly opened my eyes in fear. I tried to sense if Amell was alright and sighed in relief when i saw him peacefully sleeping in his crib.

I felt Knightly suddenly stir beside me and when i looked into his direction i realized that he was wide awake too. "I dreamt it too" said Knightly angrily and then added "I'll kill all of them if they hurt any of my pups". I tried to calm Knightly down by saying "Calm down Knigh, nothing happened yet and don't forget that Ezekiel is with us. Don't feed him your negative emotions". "Sorry love" said Knightly while placing his head on my shoulder and i placed a kiss on his head in response.

Lost and found ( boyxboy, Werewolf, Mpreg) Completed ( cover changed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt