Chapter 24. Mates

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Hi guys, it's finally here enjoy.

Knightly's P.O.V

I spent the rest of the day repeating in my mind what Micah said before he left. To me it felt like he was saying goodbye to me. I'm now afraid that i will never see him again. I tried to find him after school but i couldn't find him anywhere.

I tried asking around for him and Jeremy told me that he saw him walking in to Mrs. Robinson's classroom when he was walking out. He asked him what he was doing there and Micah told him he's was there to hand in his assignment because he didn't get the chance to do so at lunchtime. 

I felt guilty because that meant i was the reason why he has to stay longer now and knowing Mrs. Robinson to well i knew she was going to ask him to do something for her. I couldn't afford to look for him because i had to be at home for the preparations and Eric was coming back today. I wanted to talk to him before the party tonight.

I left school with a heavy heart because it was time to pick up Lilith. When Connor and i arrived at the middle school we saw Lilith standing all dejected with her head down. We could feel that she wasn't in a good mood.

Connor put his hand on her shoulder and asked her "What's wrong princess?" She slowly lifted her head and said "I was waiting to see Micah but then Mrs. Lockwood came to pick up Noah. That means he's not coming right?" Now it was my turn to console her.

"Your right Lilith. He can't come because he has to hand in his assignment after school. You can see him tomorrow if you want". Hearing that she snapped. Her eye color changed and Connor and i knew Lana her wolf was now in control.

I quickly went to stand in front of her to not cause any alarm and Connor moved her closer to him. "But that will make it four days Knigh that i haven't seen him and i want to see him" Lana cried. I put my hand on her head and looked in to her eyes "Nala, i promise you and Lilith that we'll go to see him after my birthday. Okay" i said to her and Connor added "He's not going anywhere princess"

The words "You don't know that" came immediately in to my mind when i heard him say that but i stayed quiet. Luckily Lilith calmed down by those words and we made our way to our cars. To help us relax we decided to go running the moment we arrived at the mansion.

We parked our cars and made our way to the treeline. Lilith went behind a tree to change in to her wolf and Connor and i scanned the thick forest while taking off our clothes and changing. We  suddenly saw a larger than your average ten year old grey pup running past us while yipping.

"Glad she's feeling better" said Connor through the mind link and ran after Lilith. Because of her alpha blood Lilith is bigger than the other pups. " I wish i could say the same" i said to Connor and ran after my brother and sister.

Connor and i were laying on the grass watching amused at Lilith trying to catch a fish. She was failing at it and huffing every time in annoyance. After a while Connor said "Knigh, you know your emotions are affecting Lilith and me right"

I sighed and looked at Lilith who was now jumping around to close off the path of a frog so he couldn't jump in the water. "I know Con and i try my best to close off these feelings but when it comes to Micah i lose my mind. Sometimes i wish we weren't so close to spare you guys from my pain"

Connor looked at me with eyes widened and scolded me by saying "Don't ever say that Knigh. We are family and love each other. We have to be there for one another no matter what.  You'll find your mate tonight and all this will be over"

Our conversation came to a halt when we heard a loud splash. We didn't even have to look up to see what happened. A drenched Lilith was now running to us "Oh no"  i yelled. Connor and i both got up and started to back away from her but she dashed forward and jumped on us. She started to rub her wet fur on us and kept yipping. To make her happy Connor and i both chased her around till she was tired. 

Lost and found ( boyxboy, Werewolf, Mpreg) Completed ( cover changed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt