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I wake up, still in the hospital.  It's getting annoying.  The smell, the color,.everything! 

"Carina dear, you have a visitor." My mom chirps.  That means one thing, my brother is here.  She leaves as my brother comes in.

"Car!  How's my baby sister doing."  Cam chirps squeezing me tight.  I wince, as my body is still bruised from D2I beating me up. 

"Crap, sorry, I forgot about that incident."  He apologizes. I nod. 

"How are you feeling?"  He asks.  I stare blankly at the wall.

I think back to my last interaction with him. 

Flash back
"Cam, can I talk to you in private?"  I ask, receiving a glare by mom.  He's about to leave and go back to college. 

"Yea, let's talk outside."  He agrees. 

We go down the sidewalk, as he waits for me to find my voice. 

I sigh.  "Cam, it hasn't stopped.  When you come the words get worse.  I slid a knife down the length of my arm, not once, not twice, but a lot more.  I've never actually cut in, but I'm really worried."  I say. 

It takes him a moment to react.  He yanks my arm so I'm facing him. 

"I've already spoken to mother and father and they say you've been fine, and they have behaved.  They also said that you would pull this up.  Seriously Carina, get over yourself.  You're just an attention seeking person, and I hate those.  Unless you can forget about what happened in the past, and stop fantasizing that it's still, then you are dead to me."  He yells.

"I'm leaving, and don't bother to try and contact me.  I'm under to much stress to deal with you.  Goodbye."  He nodded curtly and says goodbye to our parents.  He then speeds away. 

My brother, who was always there, has been turned against me.

End of flash back

"Hello?  Earth to Carville!"  Cam says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I'm peeved that he thinks he can do whatever he wants, like the evil words weren't said that time I saw him.  I slap his hand away, and give my worst glare. 

"Stay away from me Cameron.  I hate you!"  I hissed. 

"What did I do?  You always call me Cam!  Why do you hate me?"  He exclaims. 

"Do you not remember our last interaction?  I TRUSTED YOU!  Cameron, you, and only you!  No one else knew, and you were the only one.  I thought that you would stay by my side but no, you abandoned me!"  I yell. 

He opens him mouth, and then closes it. 

"And you know what?  Your perfect parents are the reason I'm here now."  I whisper shout.  I whisper so the cameras can't hear.

"Liar."  He replies.

"See!  You would have believed me, but your perfect parents told you otherwise."  I retort.  I'm angry.  I'm so mad I could spit, and that's nothing I ever do. 


"NO!  LEAVE NOW!" I scream.  He quickly runs out, and I collapse on the bed, sobbing. 

He was the first one to know, and the last one I ever thought would leave.  I'm crying so hard I almost don't feel the hand rubbing my back soothingly.  I flip over to see Jaylen and Jonah. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask, through my tears. 

"We heard the whole exchange.  You see, our parents told us your brother was in town, so we decided to see what would happen.  We listened and heard everything except that thing you must have whispered."  Jaylen says softly.  I roll my eyes. 

"Just go, I need to be alone."  I whisper faintly. 

"No, you need someone here with you.  And we need some explanations."   Jonah replies. 

I don't want to argue with them, so I just nod. 

"So Carina, what was thing the that your brother only knew?  And what did it have to do with your parents?"  Jonah asks. 

"Seriously?  I don't want to tell anyone.  It's personal, and not even my best friends know.  The only person who isn't my family member who knows, is Mr. Dreen.  So, if you put one and two together you'll realize, I'm not going to tell you!" I hiss.  How dare they ask about this?  It freaking personal! 

"I'm sorry, but we've known something is up, and we want to know if you're okay!  Even my parents noticed the way you were treated at the dinner.  Daughters aren't suppose  to be servants, they're supposed to be equals."   Jaylen says sadly.

Their parents know?  Seriously?  Wow, they know something is up, and no one else suspects anything?  Dang!  Some people are stupid. 

"Oh."  Is all I can manage. 

"Look Carina, I'm sorry, we're sorry for prying, but we are going to find out soon.  Whether you want us to or not, we will."  Jonah tells me.

I just nod.  Do I want them to know? Do I want someone to know?  Yes, and no.  I mean, I don't know. 

"Look Carina, both families are having dinner next week, and we're talking in your room, without Cameron being there.  We don't have to talk about this, but we are going to talk."  Jaylen states, making no room for argument.  With that they both give me small hugs and they leave. 

"Stay away from her!"  I hear Jonah snarl lowly.  I immediately know it's Cameron. 

Apparently he doesn't listen as he comes in. 

"What did they mean, you were a servant?"  Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth. 
"Go ask your perfect parents.  Oh waiit, they'll most likely tell you a lie." I sneer, in no mood for him. 

"Out.  Now." I add.  He runs out, leaving me to my thoughts. 


Hey everyone!!!  Here it is! 


~ Audi!!

~ Audi!!

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Destroyed By Words - Completed - EditingWhere stories live. Discover now