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Have fun reading.   Btw I'm adding a new character.  She is based off of a biggest fan mendesarmyfangirl

Luv Lyds!!

JONAH'S POV (next day at hospital)

"You the boy fom yesterday?"  A little voice asks as I stare at the ground, my head in my hands. 

I look up and see the little girl who talked to me yesterday. 

I smile softly. 

"Yea, I am.  I'm Jonah, what's your name?"  I ask. 

"Adela.  I four."  She says holding up 2 fingers.  She looks down and quickly makes it to four. 

"I'm 15."  I tell her. 

"Wow.  Dats so big!" She exclaims, her face is filled with

"Yeah."  I say. 

"So, what's wrong wit your friend?"  She asks.

"Oh, she's in a coma.  She won't wake up for a while."  I tell her, now distracted with Carina's face in my thoughts. 
"MY SISSY IS TOO!"  She squeals. Her mom shoots a glare. 
"Dele!  Stop bothering him!"  She hisses. 

"Miss.  She's fine.  I actually need a distraction."  I tell the woman. 

"Are you sure?"  She asks.

"Absolutely."  I reply. 

With that she nods and turns away. 

"So, what's your sister's name?"  I ask. 

"Eliza."  She says. 

"That's pretty."

"Yeah, I love it.  Wait, did you say you were 15?"  She asks. 

"That's my sister's."  She tells me. 

I'm shocked.  What a coincidence. 

"So, how old is your friend.  And what's her name?" 

"She's 15 like me, and her name is Carina."  I respond.  Once again, her face invading my mind. 

"I know that name.  I think I was spying on my parents and they said something about something about a Carina." She tells me. 

"Oooh!  Can I see her?" She starts jumping up and down. 

"Ask your mom, and only if she says yes."  I respond.

"Mommy, may I go visit his friend?  Her name is Carina and she's 15!  Please!  My new friend says he will as long as I ask you and says yes."  She says, hopping on the tip of her toes.

"Alright."  She sighs. 

"Please keep her safe.  I swear if you hurt her!"  She tells me.  I nod and take Adela's hand, guiding her to Carina's room.

She comes in and gasps. 

"No ways!"  She screams. 

"Nonononono, that's my sister!"  She says backing up. 

"Are you sure?  I mean, they can just look alike."  I ask.  

"No." She says, an annoyed edge in her voice. 

"Are you positive."  I reply.

In reply, she grabs my hand and walks me to another room.  We're let in, and its my turn to gasp. 

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