Jack Harries/Jacksgap

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Maybe I make one about Finn too...

You knew the twin brothers for about eight years now. You met at primary school and after a science project with them you became really good friends. But know you actually became aware of your feelings for Jack.

Of course he probably only sees you as a friend...Friendzoned for the rest of your life. -__-


Today you were going to an amusement park with Jack,Finn,Caspar,Sam and your best friend.

In the first attraction Finn decides to sit next to you. When it starts and you are going high up in the sky Finn turns to you.

"Y/N I need to tell you something",he says.

"What is it?",you ask. Finn is acting weird... Or weirder than normal?

"Well,Jack likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss yooooouuuu",he screams. The attraction sped up and did a loop or two,three.

Jack...likes..you? Wait what?

When you step out the attraction you feel dizzy,confused but happy.

You pull Finn apart from the others.

"Did you really mean what you just said?",you whisper.

"What? That Jack liiikeees you? Yep,that's true",he laughs,"But shhh,he doens't know that I know what you now know",he says and walks back to the others. Okay then?


You were walking to the haunted house. You were going to confront him with this information.

"I'm sitting next to you",you say to Jack and jump next to him in the ride.

"Fine for me",he smiles. Oh man,you could drown in those eyes.

The ride began and there were skelets and ghost were popping out everywere.

"Hey Jack?"


"Um,I heard something from...someone",you say pretty vague.

"Something of someone?",he laughs.

"Finn said you like me",you quickly say and cover your mouth when you realised what you just said.

"He what!? I'm gonna kill this guy"

"But is it true?",you ask softly. You can't see his expression cuz it's dark.

"Jack?",you ask when he doens't answer the question.

Before you know it you feel soft lips on yours. You kiss back and you know this is the answer you were looking for in years


My friends say that this is the cutest imagine I made...Idk,what do you think?


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