chapter 7 ~ drag con/meeting queens/slapped

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(Manila pov)

We got into the car and felt a poke on my shoulder I turned around and looked at Courtney "can I sit on you?"she asked "of course, are you OK?" I asked helping courtney come in frontshe nodded "yea, I just want hugs, and raja isn't here so... " I smiled and wrapped my arms around her frame. We stayed like this for the whole ride home, raven parked in the driver through of our home and unlocks dthe front door. Courtney walked in noticing all her suitcases where already down stairs next to the door and so where ours "raji,daddy" courtney yelled "in my room" courtney was going up raven pulled her back "we are leaving in an hour so if you have anything you want to get that you didn't pack yet go get it" courtney nodded and ran upstairs.

(Courtney's pov)

"Daddy" I said as I opened rajas bedroom door, she was fixing her hair in the mirror but got up when I entered the room "yes baby" she smiled "I want cuddles a lot of cuddles" I wined with that Raja sat down on her bed and pated a sit next to her, I sat down and she scooped me up in her arms. Rajas hugs where the best, they where always so warm and gentle. She held me close and played with my hair "I love you baby"she said kissing my cheak "I love you too" I smiled.  We layed like that for about ten minutes and I started to get a little sleepy,until raven burst threw the door giving me and raja and fright "what the fuck dad!" I said kind of ruining the conforting moment between me and raja. She shot me a glare "don't give me that attitude younger lady, now get up we need to leave" she left and I rolled my eyes as me and raja got up. We walked down stairs and I grabbed my luggage and took it to the car. We packed all the stuff in the car and got in,  me raven and jujubee sat at the back and Manila and Raja sat in the front. As we left the driveway I leaned on raven and juju leaned on me, I closed my eyes and relaxed "dad music please" I asked Manila plugged the aux cord into her phone and put on 'forever and gone' by phi phi

I heard Manila sing along to the song and couldn't help but smile, her voice was amazing "I don't want to talk about it don't ever want to think about it tomorrow always come to soon. Got to catch an early flight wake you up to say goodbye, be in LA by the afternoon" I was going to try to sleep but raven woke me up "baby don't sleep know, it's a 3 hour flight sleep on the plane" I nodded and cuddled up to raven.

2 hours later

We finally borded the plane and went to our seats, raven had booked first class seats which I was very excited about since I had never been in first class before. We found our seats and sat down, I was in the middle or raja and raven and Manila and jujubee where next to each other. About twenty minutes into the flight,the flight attendant came asking If anyone wanted anything. I got a cola and pizza, raven got water and raja got the same as me. Since when did they ever have pizza on planes?  But I wasn't complaining. I ate everything and leand on raja "you are the worlds best pillow" I smiled she giggled "thank you" I closed my eyes and slept with one of rajas head phones in my ears. My sleep was disturbed by someone shaking me "what?" I mumbled "come here" I heard ravens voice say, I opened my eyes and looked at raven "what?" I asked unsure of what to do "you're always sleeping on raja,its ny turn come here" she said "why are you jealous?" I asked he rolled his eyes "what no" I smiled "good cuz I want to stay here" her expression changed into a slitely sad one "daddy" I said she looked up "I'm joking" I said sitting on his "you fucking cunt" I smiled as I got comfortable "I love you too" she kissed my horehead and I went back to sleep.

"Guys wake up!" Manila yelled, raja groaned, I opened my eyes and noticed, I was sitting on raven and raja was huddled on ravens shoulder. Raven gave Manila a glare "get up you winey bitch, we're leaving" she said laughing I giggled. Raven stood up with me still in her arms "dad can you carry me" I asked she smiled "of course, baby" we got off the plane and went into the airport. Raven nugged me "hey look" I turned around and my eyes widened, In front of my I saw the one and only Rupaul "is that Ru?" Raja asked raven nodded "it would be rude if we didn't say hi so... " raven said we walked up to rupal "hey ru" he turned around and smiled "well hello,hello,hello my beautiful children, and who may this be?" he said looking at me smiling "I'm courtney" I smiled "she our daughter "Manila said smiling "how sweet, nice to meet you courtney" "nice to meet you to Rupaul" I said smiling "call me mama Ru everyone does" he said I nodded "so how have you been,everything alright?" Ru asked "we all nodded "everything's been great, we are living together now!" Ru smiled "well that great too for you!,Manila I heard your new song and I love it, square would be so proud, we all miss here she was a wonderfull person to have talk to and was so sweet" ru said almost getting emotional "thank you so much that means a lot" Manila said smiling Ru's phone buzzed he looked at it "shit, I have to go dears, but it have been truly amazing to see you again, love you all, see you at drag con, bye" he said giving us all a hug "I thought he never hugged people" I said to the girls " that's what he wants you to think he is a very kingld and motherly person" raven said as we began walking. We stopped by KFC "guys can we get KFC?" Juju wined "I'm with juju" I said "me too" raven said "OK let's go get chicken" raven rolled her eyes we let out a small cheer.  We ordered our food and took it take away "this is so good" juju said with a piece of chicken in her mouth we all laughed at her adorable and immature nature. We got out side and raja called an uber, it came and she gave it the address of the hotel we where staying in. He drove there and we got out; it was a five star hotel. Raven checked into the hotel and got the keys to out room. We found where we where going to stay for 2 weeks and unlocked the door, out mouths dropped the room looked so expensive with art hanging on the wall and weird vases on the shelves "fuck yea" raja said sitting and putting her fried chicken on the table, ma and juju did the same and continued to eat. For a person her size jujubee ate a lot of food,but always managed to stay fit.  Raven and Manila where looking around the large room that devided into other rooms "raven how the fuck did you manage to get a room this big?" She asked raven "it was  surprisingly cheap, only $700" she said "wow it's really cheap" raja said raising her eyebrows.  We ate all our chicken and threw the paper and wrappers away, we picked our room and put all our luggage in was 1pm here because of the time difference. Drag con starts at 2:30 which ment we had an hour to get ready "guys let's get dressed dragcon is in an hour" raja stated, it's like she read my mind. I went to 'my' room and took out the clothes is was going to wear for dragcon. We all got ready and it was now 2:44,we quickly went to the ground floor and called an uber. We got there and people where already waiting to meet the queens "so which queen do you want to meet first?" Raja asked "Bob!" I said excitedly raja smiled "then let's go!" We walked up to Bob's stall,my eyes widend when I saw the long ass line to meet him "we can just come later" I said slightly disappointed "your dads are a bunch of drag queens, come on" Manila said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the front of the line "hey Bob!" Manila said Bob turned around and smiled she walked up to us "hey guys" she looked at me "and who might you be?" She asked "I'm courtney, their daughter" I said shyly Bob smiles "wow a drag queen's daughter, we have to spend some time together these girls must be driving you crazy" she laughs "where will you guys be next week?" She said as she looked up and raja and the rest "still in new York" raja says bob smiles "good Monday 10 am Starbucks the one we usually go to" wait was this actually happening I was going to spend time with the winner of season 8 Bob he drag queen oh my God. Bob looked back at me "so how about some pictures and a free t shirt court?" I smiled "fuck yeah", we took a few pictures and a 'purse first' shirt.  I an hour I had met Aja, shangela, laganja, tatianna and a couple more queens. As we where walking we where stopped by several fans, the next queen I was going to meet was Alyssa which I was VERY exited for. I looked around to try and spot her but I saw my favorite Russian hooker, our eyes met and she stopped greeting fans and came running towards me "COURTNEY!" She said as she lifted me up in her arms "KATYA!" I said hugging her, she put me down "so how's your day going?" She asked "fucking amazing, I meet Bob, tati and a bunch of others!"  "Fuck" I heard raven say I turned around "what?" Jujubee asked "season 3 and 2 have a reunion now" she complained "well what about Courtney?" Raja said "please leave her with me, can I take her, I'm taking her, OK bye" katya said pulling me with her "bye dads" I said following katya raja waved "don't let her kill you, love you" she yelled. Me and katya walked to her fans "I'm just going to tell them I'll continue later" katya said I nodded. We approached her stall "um guys I have my niece here and in going to be going around with her so I'll continue this later, but I love you" she said as we walked away "let's find Alyssa!" She said to me "let's go!" I replied. After 20 minutes to searching we finally find Alyssa the line was huge but katya and I skipped it "hey Alyssa" katya waved Alyssa smiled "well if it isn't Katya zamoblahblah" she smiled "and who is this little cutie?" She asked "I'm courtney I'm raja's daughter" Alyssa smiled "aw nice to meet you courtney" I smiled "nice to meet you too" "come here let's take a little pic pic" Alyssa said we took a picture "katya come here you hooker" Alyssa laughed and do did katya and I, katya waddled to us and we took a couple more pictures. We left her stall and continued to walk around, katya looked around her and smiled "hey come on you have to meet Sharon and Alaska" she said grabbing my hand and running to their stall "hey you whore" Sharon said smiling "hey Sharon, hey Alaska" Alaska smiled "hieeee" Sharon looked down at me "hey courtney!" She said "how do you?" I asked confused of how she new my name "I follow raja on instagram you have a lot of pictures together" she smiled "oh" I said not really know how to reply "OK so anyway how is drag con treating you?" Alaska asked "it's been really good I meet a fuck load of queens and now I meet you guys" I said smiling "well thats great!" sharon said "come here let's take a picture" she said I took a picture with her, Alaska and then we took one all together  "thanks so much" I said as I hugged them "no problem and Imma be sure to follow you tonight!" I smiled and katya and I walked off. I heard katya's stomach grumble and giggled "want to go and eat?" I asked her "yes but first we have to find trixie" she said I nodded and we tried to find trixie, not even two minutes later we hear someone shout "hey courtney, katya wait up" we see trixie run up to us "hey" I say hugging trixie "hey baby" I smiled "we where looking for you now come on I'm hungry" katya said and grabbing us and running out of drag con, as we left the building there where a bunch of people and everybody noticed katya and trixie exiting drag con they all started running up to us "fuck run" katya said staring to run, we ran until we reached a McDonald's "holy shit I think I just lost about 4 pounds" trixie said trying to catch her breath. We entered the place and sat down at a table "what are you going to order?" Trixie asked we gave her out orders and she went to get our food, she came back 10 minutes later with a tray full of food. We stayed talking until we finished our food then we left as we where walking to drag con my phone buzzed I look down at it and see 10 missed calls from raven 6 from raja and a fuck laid more from juji and Manila "omg they are going to kill me" I said slightly sceard "what?" Katya  asked "I have about a hundred missed calls from them, fuck" I said  "well text them and tell them that you're OK" trixie said I texted raja 'hi I'm so sorry my phone was on airplane mode and I didn't see the calls I'm so sorry' I immediately got a text back 'get you fucking ass to the hotel room now!!' "I'm so fucked" I wined "what did she say?" Trixie asked "raja told me to get to the hotel room like right now" I replied "then lets go" katya said;We all stayed at the same hotel. We got to the hotel room and knocked on the door katya and trixie behind me. The door flew open, in front of me stood a very angry raven. She grabbed me and pulled me inside slamming the door in the others faces "WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU" she yelled I almost shit myself with fear I put my head down "I'm s-sorry" I mumbled "YOU DIDNT ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION" I had never seen raven this mad before "I-I went to McDonald with katya and trixie" I whispered "AND WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US WE WHERE WORRIED SICK" she yelled "I'm sorry but you don't have to yell at me and be such a bitch about it" I raised my voice I was angry it's not my fault they just left. Raven raised her eyebrows "what the fuck did you just say to me" she asked u could see the anger bubble inside her "I said I'm sorry but you dont have to be a bitch-" I got cut of by raven's hand slapping me hard on the face "DONT YOU EVER DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" I didn't know what to say I held my tiers and ran to the door "fuck you raven" I said as I slammed the door behind me,I ran down stairs and out of the hotel. I cryed as I ran in some random direction rubbing me face, fuck raven hits hard. I continued to run until I crashed into someone "I'm sorry I said as I got up form the floor "hey wait" I felt something pull me back "it's me Sharon" I relaxed in her arms as she pulled me close, I sobbed into her chest "what happened baby" I didn't mind her calling me that at all "R-raven"  i sobbed "what the fuck did she do to you?" Alaska said "I-i-i" was all I managed to blurr out "cmon let's take you back to the hotel room" sharon said "no I don't want to go back" I cryed "then let's go to the park" Alaska said handing me a tissue to wipe my tears. We went to a nearby park and sat down on a bench, my hand was covering that red mark raven left on the face. I was say in the middle of Sharon and Alaska, sharon pulled down my hand from my face "who did that to you?" She asked me clearly concerned "R-raven" I chocked out "why did she do that?" Alaska asked "well I went to McDonalds with katya and trixie and my phone was on airplane mode form this mornings flight and I forgot to turn it off, I didnt tell them where I was going cuz they where doing dome reunion shit, so they called me while we where there and I didn't notice they where calling me when we left the restaurant I git the call notification and I texted raja and she told me to go back to the hotle and when I got there raven started yelling at me and I told her that I'm sory but she did have to be a bitch about it, then she slapped me and I ran away" sharon took a little while to process what I had just told her "well you have to go apologize to you know" I shook my head "I don't want to" I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I pulled it out and saw that raven and Raja texted me

Raven: baby I'm so sorry I shouldn't have hit you please baby where are you

Raven: baby please I love you come back

I read raja's text

Raja: baby girl come back please you know we love you, daddy didn't mean it

Sharon looked at me "what did they say" I showed her the texts, alaska was holding me in her arms "you have to go now"  I nodded. We spent some more time there and then they took me back to the hotel. I knocked on the door and sharon and alaska left. The door opened and I was greated by a sobbing raven she looked at me and pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry, please forgive me" she cryed I higher her back "I love you daddy" I said she hugged my tighter "I love you too". We went inside and the girls ran onto me giving me a big hug "we love you so much" raja said "I know I just, I didn't really know, I said something that I shouldn't have said and I'm sorry and I'm sorry for just running away it's what I used to do back at the orphanage and that's how I deal with those things" I said almost getting emotional "it's OK baby just don't worry us like that we love you and if something happens to you we'll be so sad baby because we love you so fucking much" Manila said raven lifted me and I wrapped my legs around her torso "I'm sorry and I love you so much"she said hugging me I hugged her tighter "I love you to" I said as she kissed my cheak "Any way how was you day sweetheart?" Jujubee asked raven put me down "fuck yes so after you guys left katya took me to meet Alyssa and she is so nice and so sweet I fucking love her, then we meet Alaska and Sharon and fuck me Sharon is so hot" they burst out laughing "she is also twenty years older then you" Manila laughed "calm down I don't like her that way never have" I claim she laughed "theeen I meet milk and kim chi which was amazing and then I meet chi chi she was so fucking funny and then katya got hungry so we tryed to find trixie but she found us then we went to McDonalds" I said smiling "what are your plans for tomorrow who are you going to try and meet?" Manila asked "hopefully Willam, Ongina, Detox,Roxxxy,Joslyn,Adore, Courtney act, Valentina, Trinity Taylor a lot of queens I guess" I laughed Manila smiled and went to sit on one of the three couches in the living room, the girls all sat down and raja patted a spot next to her but I shook my head "I'm I was going in my room " I said awkwardly raja raised her eyebrows "oh ok then" she said as her expression changed into a slightly upset one. I went to my temporary room and closed the Dior behind me, I sat down on the bed and took out my phone. I got onto instagram and posted all the good pictures of me and the queens I met, as I was posting the pictures I got a text from katya

Katya🇷🇺: hey boo Sharon and Alaska told me what happened are you OK?

Me: yea but I feel a bit awkward around them you know

Katya🇷🇺: yea I understand, do you want to come to mine and trixie's room?we finished our plans for today and we're watching tv

Me: I can really?

Katya🇷🇺: of course

Me: thanks be right there, wait wich room are you staying at?

Katya🇷🇺: 345,it's the room at the end of the hallway same floor

Me: see you there


Sorry i forgot to update but im posting 2 chapters to make up for it,thank for over 600 reads 😘


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