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/Skyler's pov./

I yawn as I wake peaking out of the cover looking around the room. 'Where is daddy?' I think as I jump off the bed I move to the door and just barely reach it but finally it opens I smile and walk out. I head down the hall looking at the pretty pictures on the walls. 'Sooooo pretty!' I think as I continue my attention soon gets caught by a large double door. 'Hmmm' I walk to it and it seems to be open slightly I peak inside to see the boy from earlier! I smile and crawl quietly under his desk he didn't nodice since he was looking at something on his desk. I giggle slightly and tug at his pants he stiffens soon looks down at me.

/Ciel's pov./

I was working on paperwork when I hear a faint giggle and feel a tug at my pants I stiffen and look under my desk to see that what did Sebastian say. Ah yes Neko. She smiles brightly at me and starts climbing on my legs. "What are you doing!?" I ask she just giggles and continues until she's on my lap. "Why are you in here?" I ask she thinks for a bit. "I w-was l-l-looki-ing f-for daddy." She answers struggling to pronounce the sentence I simply nod. "Okay, what's your name?" I ask. "Skyler!" She says happily. "I'm Ciel." I say she smiles again. She rubs her head on my hand that was resting on the chairs arm I stiffen but soon give in and gently pet her head she purs as I do this she soon curls up in a ball on my lap. My hand finds its way to her ear rubbing it softly. 'Her fur is really soft.' I think as she purs more loudly I smile slightly. 'If Sebastian sees this I'll never live it down.' I hear a knock at the door. I straighten back up. "Come in." I say Sebastian comes in with tea he comes near me as I secretly pet her ear under the desk her nails dig into my leg slightly making me flinch earning a weird look from Sebastian. "Is something wrong my lord?" He asks. "No, everything is fine." I answer when her nails dig again making me flinch he smirks as he walks over next to me seeing the Neko on my lap diging her claws in and out of my leg. "Well, it seems you have company." He says smirking still. "She climbed on my lap while I was working." I say. "And you didn't kick her off?" He teases I can't help it I like the little thing but there's no way I'm telling him that. "Ummm..." I blush slightly. "Just hand me my tea." I sigh he chuckles and hands me the tea cup I take a sip and place it down Skyler rolls on her back and smiles at me her tail swaying she looks at Sebastian and smiles wider. "Daddy!" She squeals he smiles at her she pulls my hand off the rest I sigh and pet her ear again she purs and rests her head against my waist rubbing her head slightly. "She seems to like you young master." Sebastian says I nod. "Seems that way." I say as I continue to pet her. "Well, I never thought I'd get to see this. I didn't think you were a cat person." He says I look to him. "I'm not." I say glaring he laughs slightly. "I better take Skyler back to our room." He says I nod. "Okay." I say I try getting her off me but she digs her claws in I sigh Sebastian laughs at the sight and picks her up she imedeintly raps her arms around his neck. "Hi daddy!" She says. "Hello Skyler." He says stroking her hair. "I'm going to take her to our room now." He tells me I nod and wave him off before he could move. "Wait!" Skyler says Sebastian looks at her she points to me I tilt my head slightly I signal for Sebastian to bring her over. He does so and she leans down to me and kisses my cheek I blush and Sebastian laughs and heads to the door.

/Sebastian's pov./

"So you went on a adventure didn't you Skyler?" I ask walking into my room she nods and giggles. "Well it is getting late I think you should have a bath before bed." I say her ears pin down her tail goes straight. "You don't like them do you?" I ask she shakes her head no. "Stay here I'll be right back." I say sitting her down and walking into the bathroom I turn on the bath and get it running I then walk out of the room and get a nightgown that will fit her I come back and go back to the bathroom and lay the gown on the counter next to a towel I turn off the water and go back to the bedroom. I don't see her meaning she's hiding from me I smirk and walk to the bed kneeling down I look underneath finding the little kitten curled up under the bed I grab her she pouts and trys to get away from me but fails I take her to the bathroom and lock the door she sees the water and tenses up her nails digging deep into my tail coat I laugh and sit her down she puts her back to the door and whimpers as I take my coat off rolling up my sleeves I pick her up and place her infront of the bath I start taken off her small dress i then pick her up to place her in the water but she whimpers and tightens her hold on my arms her tail rapping around my wrist I place her in the water earning a hiss from her I smile at her. "Sorry." I say she pouts as I start cleaning her long hair I then move to her ears I scratch them earning a slight put but soon goes back to a pout as I continue bathing her.


After bathing her I pick her up she starts shivering her wet ears pinned against her head I sit her down, grab the towel and start drying her off I then rap her in the towel I get another and dry her dark grey almost black hair, ears and tail after she is dry I dress her in the nightgown and pick her up. She gives me a mad look I pet her ear. "I'm sorry Skyler." I say she looks away but purs from being pet and slowly lays her head on my chest yawning. I smile and take her to the bedroom. "Time for you to sleep." I say sitting her down on the bed she hold onto my arm and gives me begging eyes I imedeintly know what she wants and lay down next to her she smiles and crawls up on my chest. She leans her head to mine kissing my cheek I smile and gently kiss her forehead she then curls up in a ball on my chest I pull the covers over us as she falls asleep.


Hiya Gamers! Awwwwww oh my gosh I almost died from the cute! I hope you enjoyed this. Till next time...


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