Two Personalities

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/Skyler's pov./

I follow Claude though the halls in silence till I finally get sick of it. "Ummm so how long have you worked here?" I ask trying to start a conversation with the emotionless man. "Quite sometime." He answers I nod. "Do you like it here..?" I ask. ".....its suitable." He says. Soon we arrive at double doors and he opens them up for me, leading me in. "Ah Skyler. Good." Alois says looking at me. "Come and sit down." He says. I blink a few times before walking towards the desk and sitting in the chair across from Alois as I glance around the room curiously before looking back at Alois. "What did you need me for?" I ask tilting my head as my tail flicks side to side. Alois smiles at me seemingly amused by my curiosity. "I just wanted your company." He says. I nod to him as I sit there obediently as he works.


After a while I must have fallen asleep because I awoke to getting shook slightly. I blinked a few times as I yawn waking up. "Huh?" I say. I look up seeing Alois. "You fell asleep awhile ago." He says. I look at him a bit before looking down. "I-I'm sorry." I say. He smiles. "It's fine, silly! Now come on!" He says taking my arm and pulling me up out of the chair making my eye widen a bit. Soon I regain my footing and follow him. "Uh, where are we going?" I ask as he pulls me along. "On a evening walk!" He says smiling. I tilt my head. "I thought you said you had to work?" I say. "I'm awful bored of working now." He says. Soon we made it outside and was walking around the beautiful gardens that the manor had. "This place is so pretty..." I say looking around in a slight daze. Alois smiles as he holds my hand. "I thought you might like it out here." He says.

/small timeskip/

After a while of walking we were on a bench surrounded by bushes and flowers. It was silent for a while until I broke the silence. "So... Alois. Have you always lived here?" I ask looking over to him. He looks at me shaking his head. "No. But I've been here for a while now." He answers I nod a bit before asking. "How old are you exactly?" "Fourteen." He answers simply. "Then, where are your parents?" I ask. He stays silent for a moment before looking forward. "Alois?" I ask. "They're dead." He says simply. I blink a few times thinking a bit. "Dead...?" I try to think about the word. He looks at me. "Yes, dead." He says. "What does that mean?" I ask. He looks at me in the eyes. "It means that they are no longer here on earth, physically. No longer alive and breathing." He explains. I blink a few time. "Oh." I say looking down. "I'm... sorry, Alois." I say. He shakes his head a bit. "Jim." He says. I tilt my head to the side. "What?" I ask. He sighs looking down. "Jim Macken. That's my name." He says. I blink a few times. "Really?" I say in confusion. He looks at me seeing my confused expression making him smile slightly. "Yeah. My real name. You can call me that if you'd like." He says. I nod a bit. "Okay, Jim." I say. He smiles at me. "Um, Jim. I was wondering..." I start he looks back over at me. "Yeah?" He asks. "When will I get to see my dad again?" I ask. His eyes go more cold and his mouth goes straight. "Don't worry about seeing him." He says in a icey tone. "What do you mean by that?" I ask. He looks forward at the trees. "Because, you'll be staying here. Forever." He says. I blink a few times as my mind goes into shock. "W-what?" I stutter. "I thought you didn't know how long I'd be here." "Yes, but I've decided that I want to keep you around." He says. "B-b-but what about my dad?" I ask. Soon his head looks over at me. "Why? Do you not want to stay with me? Do you hate me?" He asks making me panic a bit at the personality change. "N-no I don't hate you. I-i just miss my dad and want to go home." I say. He gives me a bit of a glare before looking away. "I figured you'd say that." He says. "That's why I need to make sure you have to stay." He says. Soon I feel a bag or sack get pulled over my head making me scream out in fright. "We'll be together forever... Skyler." Is the last thing I hear before I pass out.


What's this? An update!?!?!?! What are those? Nah, man. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I actually checked the last time I worked on this book and it was October 18, 2017. Just wow. I'm soooooo sorry. Anyway, I hope this update will help so how sorry I am to you guys. Anywho, bye ma peeps!

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