Meeting Mr. Booty Shorts.

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/Skyler's pov./

I layed on the bed still having a light blush on my face from what had happened just a bit ago. I soon hear the door open I sit up to see the blonde boy from before. "Ah so this is your real form. How nice!" He says happily my ears go back a bit I must have still had blush on my because he looked at me and smirked then looked at Claude. "What did you do to make her blush so hard?" He asks. "When she turned she was naked." Claude answers as if it was nothing. I blush even harder that they are talking about me being naked in front of me I put my head in my hands in embassment. The boy smirks and looks back to me he walks over sitting next to me. "Hi, I'm Alois." He says he takes my wrist moving my hands from my face to show a completely red face he chuckles. "Are you embarrassed?" He asks. "N-No." I say he smirks. "Whatever you tell yourself." He says standing up. "Come on follow me." He says pulling me up I stumble a bit and he catches me and laughs. "Your quite clumsy." He says I blush as he holds one of my hands and leads me out of the room. We walk through the halls until we come to the dinning room he leads me in and to the table and Claude walks into another room I sit and stare at the table in front of me. Claude soon returns with food setting the dishes infront of us he take the sliver cover off the dish reveling dinner. "Tonight I have prepared turkey and chestnuts, made with the finest Spanish chestnuts, thick brown gravy and fresh turkey breast." Claude explains I stare at the plate wide eyed taking in the scent my eyes split like a cat's eyes I'm almost drooling at the smell. "Hungry?" Alois laughs I look at him and blush looking away quickly. "S-Slightly." I say he laughs again. "Go ahead." He says I look at him before looking back at the plate I take a fork and start to eat I can feel him watching me making me tense a bit my tail rapped around the chair leg but I take a bite of the turkey and my tail unwraps and starts swaying and I pur slightly I hear a faint giggle I look up to see Alois smiling at me before starting to eat himself. I go back to my food loving every bite of the prefectly cooked bird. As we are Claude just stands there I soon feel more presences in the room I glance to the side to see the three purple hair guys. Next to them Hannah stands there. She's vary beautiful. I comtine to eat but also feel a bit nervous. How do people eat with people just standing around watching them? I glance over and see Claude still standing there I place my fork down and look at him he nodices my stare and looks back at me. "The food is vary good Claude." I say he bows his head slightly in thanks I smile a bit at this and start eating again. "So, why am I here?" I ask breaking the silence. "Your my guest for a while." Alois says I tilt my head a bit my ears falling to the side. "For how long?" I ask he looks back to me. "I'm not completely sure yet." He says I nod a bit. "Well, when will I see my dad again?" I ask Claude seems to tense up slightly. "Hmmm your dad? You mean Sebastian Michaelis?" Alois asks. "Yeah, I miss him." I say my ears pin back slightly. "I figure you do but for right now you stay here." He says suddenly more serious I sigh my ears pinning back fully my tail lays lose in disappointment. Soon we are done eating and the purple haired men start cleaning after when stood from the table. "Alright Skyler, I'll have Claude show you to my study in a bit I want to talk to you." Alois says with a smile before walking up the stairs with Claude. I turn and look around the room it's a beautiful manor I look at the table where the men are they soon head into another room. I being myself I curiously walked over and into the room to find a kitchen I look around a bit and see the men working a cleaning quickly I walk up behind one and tug on his waist coat he turns his head and looks at me. I smile at him as he turns and looks at me he's quite a bit taller then me. "Hi I'm Skyler. What's your name?" I ask he makes a 'hmm' sound before answering. "I'm Thompson." He says. "Nice to meet you Thompson. Are you three triplets?" I ask the other two look back at me then turn. "Yes, we are." Thompson answers. "What are your names?" I ask the other two they look at each other then back down to me. "I'm Timber." "I'm Canterbury." They say I smile at them I note that fringes of their hair falls differently Timber's is swept to the left, Thompson's falls to point in the center and Canterbury's is set to the right. I soon hear the door open to reveal Claude. "Miss Skyler, Alois would like you to accompany him in his study." He says giving the triplets a look. "Oh alright, it was nice meeting you three! Bye!" I say walking over next to Claude he opens the door letting me out he then looks back to the triplets. "And you three should go back to working." He says the triplets look at each other before going back to their work while whispering. What they're whispering no one will ever know.


Hiya Gamers! I hope you liked this chapter and I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long I just got distracted but I finally updated! So comment whatcha think! Till next time...


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