Well.... Unexpected.

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/Sebastian's pov./

I was holding Skyler as she slept she's vary cute when she's asleep. I was petting her gently earning purs out of the young girl I smile but remember i need to put young master to bed. I gently lay her down and walk out.

/Skyler's pov./

I was asleep when I start feeling itchy I move around a bit but it starts getting worse I sit up scratching my back, arms and tummy. 'Whats happening?' I think suddenly my claws come out on their own and I start seeing fur coming up on my arms I start srinking in size and before I know it it stops I look around but everything is bigger then before I look down to see a paw? I jump over to the dresser and look in the mirror. I'm a kitten? Awesome!!!
(Pic at top is her)

/Sebastian's pov./

After putting young master to bed I head back to my room I walk in and don't see Skyler in bed I look to around the room when my eyes land on the dresser. I see a vary small kitten. The fur a dark grey just like Skyler's I make a 'hmm' sound and walk up to her. "Skyler is that you?" I ask she looks at me and mews she then jump up so I will catch her she rubs on my neck. "I'll take that as a yes." I say walking to the bed taking off my gloves and sitting down I lay her on the bed she rolls on her back cutely I smile and grab her paw rubbing it gently. "Such beautiful soft paws." I stroke her side. "Fur like silk." I pet her ears she purs loudly I look into her eyes. "Large curious eyes." I describe her car form. "Cats are such fascinating creatures." I say she mews again at me rolling off her back standing up she crawls on my lap curling up purring I smile. "My little kitten." She looks at me and yawns her head rests on my leg her tired eyes flutter shut as I pet her back. 'Ive been collecting some infromaiton on Nekos and I knew this would happen eventually but didn't expect it this soon.' I remember the infromaiton I've gathered laying back slightly still holding the kitten. 'Nekos will at a young age find their cat form and soon they will mature. They will stay in their cat form for a certain amount of time before turning back and will be older then when they turned.' That is how Nekos age from childen. It's a vary odd process but I guess that's how Nekos work.... my little girl is growing up. I smile at her sleeping form. 'Things will be interesting.' I think as she moves slightly in her sleep. 'Interesting indeed.'

/Skyler's pov./

I wake a grown slightly which comes out a growl I feel daddy move at look at me I put my paws over my head and wine slightly he chuckles. "Not a lot of energy today huh?" He says picking me up. "No, not at all." I grown it comes out a meow he pets my ear making me pur slightly. "You tossed and turned all night." He says placing me on the bed I curl back up but he picks me up and makes me stand. "Time to wake up." He says I hiss slightly he only chuckles shaking his head standing he puts his gloves back on and beckons me to follow I sigh but it comes out a faint mew as I jump off the bed I follow him outside and to Ciel's study he knocks on the door. "Come in." Ciel says dad opens the door walking in with me following Ciel doesn't look up from his work. "Yes, Sebastian?" He asks. "My lord, I think that there's someone coming to see you." Dad says Ciel looks up to him. "Who?" Just then I hear a high pitched squeal making my ears hurt. "Cieeeeel!!!" Squeals a girls voice I look at the door in time to see a young girl in a frilly dress and blonde curly pigtails come in. She runs to Ciel hugging him tight. "Cieeel I missed yoooou!!" She says I whimper and cover my ears with a paw sadly the girl noticed me and walks to me. "Who is this?" She asks picking me up dad whispers in Ciel's ear he nods. "That's Sebastian's cat Sky." Ciel explains. "She so cute!!!" The girl says hugging me I hiss slightly. "Elisabeth, why did you come without informing me.... again." Ciel asks. "I wanted to talk to you about something. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Lizzie!" She says smiling Ciel shakes his head. "Young master, shall I prepare tea?" Dad asks. "Yes." He says Sebastian bows slightly before walking up to 'Elisabeth'. "Shall I take Sky with me?" He asks she looks down at me. "Fine.... but I want to see her again later!" She says handing me to daddy I dig my claws into him earning a quiet chuckle as he leaves the two."You grown larger last night." He says I mew rubbing on his head. "Things will be interesting."


Hiya Gamers! So I know this one's a bit weird but it came to mind. This is the first time I used Elisabeth. I actually like her because of how much she cares for Ciel but she is vary annoying still. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this! Till next time...


Little Kitten. (Sebastian X Neko Child)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora