Chapter 6. Confession

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I brought JJ to my house after school and explained everything. The party, the morning, the meetings, and how much I loved him.

"Are you really sure he's your mate?" She asked, a worried look on her face.

"100%" I replied.

"What are you going to tell your father? He's Alpha Greg's number 1 beta."

"Im not telling him, and Luke isn't telling his pack either. Your the only one that I trust with this."

"Thanks for trusting me" she said and then she gave me a hug. "I better get going, you know, overprotective parents, curfew..."

"I understand. See ya on Monday."

"What about the weekend?" She asked.

I glared at her.

"Oh, right. Have fun"

" Bye!" I said, waving goodbye.

As her car left, another one showed up. A red 2014 mustang.

My father had come home.


"Hey there, princess!!" He exclaimed!

I gave him a big hug.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "You live in Alpha Greg's mansion."

"I was there and then I remembered something special." He said mysteriously, "You didn't thing that I'd forget you birthday, did you?"

"Um, dad?" I asked? "You do know that my birthday was a month ago, right?"

"I know sweetheart, but I've just been so busy working. We've caught traces of Black Thorn too close to our borders, and it was my job to arrange a meeting with them."

"I understand."

"I got you a present." He said as he opened up a suede box. "This was your mothers necklace. It's a moonstone."

"I love it." I replied breath taken.

"Your mother wanted you to have it for your 18th birthday."

"Thank you dad."

His eyes started to tear up, so I changed the subject.

"So, what's new with the pack?" I asked.

"Greg's changed the law about crossing the border."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"If any wolf is caught crossing our border will be held hostage till the nearest dawn and killed by decapitation" he said

I stood there, shocked.

"Don't look so shocked, sweetie. That's only if they don't have an excuse or attack a member of our pack."

"Has it been enforced yet?" I asked meekly.

"No, they're alpha is aware of this law, so no one will come here."he said, looking proud of himself. "Anyway, I have to go, I love you."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and started packing up.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot," he said, halfway out the door. " Graydon came by earlier."

"Ew, what did he want?" I replied. Graydon was the socially awkward nerd who has always had a crush on me and keeps trying to convince me that we're mates, which I know isn't true.

"He wanted my permission to let him marry you." He replied.

"What did you say?" I asked quickly, terrified of the answer.

"He's a good kid. Smart, wealthy, good with kids..."

"Ok, no way. Never in a hundred trillion years." I snapped.

"Why not?" He snapped back. "It's not like you've found your mate yet. What if it's him? You haven't seen him since your birthday..."

I was stuck. I couldn't tell him about Luke, but I couldn't marry Graydon, so what do I do?


Sorry for the long chapter but I didn't want to make it two short chapters. Oh well.


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